Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stand With Ukraine!
  • Amazarashi

    終わりで始まり → English translation

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いつもの帰り道ふと 見上げたいつもの夜空
なぜだか あの頃とは違って見えたんだ そうだな
ぼくも 少しはまともになれたかな いや そうでもないか
今も変わらず 上手く笑えない毎日です
あの頃の仲間も 無茶はしなくなった
そりゃそうだ あいつも 立派な父親だもんな
部屋の中で死にそうな 顔をしていた僕も
友達のおかげで立ってるんだ 家族のおかげで歩けるんだ
「ありがとう」なんて言いたかねぇや でもさ
いつか僕らが離れ離れになる その時だって笑っていたい
塞ぎ込んだ過去も正しかったと 言い張るために笑っていたい
それだけでいつかの 叶わなかった夢も ただの過ぎた景色になるんだ
結局空っぽのままのこの手を 僕らは大きく振りあって
答えさえ見つけられなかった目に 涙を溜めてさよならして
悲しむな これがスタートラインだよ 僕らの終わりで始まり
この世界はそれほど 綺麗なもんじゃないけどさ
そんなに急いで出て行く 事は無いじゃないか
僕等の期待を 世界はよく裏切るけれど
期待していなかった喜びに 時々出会えるんだ
裏切られた事に胸をはるんだ 信じようとした証拠なんだ
「傷ついた」なんて言いたかねぇや だから
この先何があったって僕らは 振り向かずに走って生きたい
つまずいた昨日も助走だったと 言い張るため走って生きたい
それだけで 僕等の笑えない思い出も ただの笑い話になるんだ
あの時ついに崩れ落ちた膝で 暗闇の中 駆け抜けて
あの時砂を握った掌で 確かな物を掴みたくて
分かるだろう これがスタートラインだよ 僕らの終わりで始まり
日々が過ぎて 年が過ぎて 大切な人達が過ぎて
急がなくちゃ 急がなくちゃ なんだか焦って つまずいて
もう駄目だ 動けねぇよ うずくまってても時は過ぎて
考えて 考えて やっと僕は僕を肯定して
立ち上がって 走り出して その時見上げたいつもの空
あの頃とは違って見えたんだ あの日の未来を生きてるんだ
全てを無駄にしたくないよ 間違いなんて無かったよ
今の僕を支えてるのは あの日挫けてしまった僕だ
「ありがとう」とか「愛しています」とか 分からないけど歌っていたい
信じてくれたあなたは正しかったと 言い張る為に歌っていたい
それだけだ 僕の背中を押すのは あなたが喜んでくれる顔
あの時伸ばし続けたこの腕で 大きくギターかき鳴らして
あの時何も言えなかった口で 下手くそな歌を 叫んで
いつだって ここがスタートラインだよ 僕らの終わりで始まり

Our End and Our Beginning

At the usual road back home, I suddenly looked up at the usual sky; for some reason, it looked different from that time- oh yes
I wonder if I've been able to become a bit better... no, I guess not. It's still the everyday where I can't laugh right
The friend from the old times stopped taking risks. Well of course, he's a fine father now
Me, who in my room had a face as if I was dying, is now able to sing songs like this
I'm standing because of my friends, I can walk because of my family
I'm alive because of you
I don't want to say "Thank you", but
Someday we'll be apart, even then I want to be laughing
To insist that the even past where I was depressed was correct, I want to be laughing
With just that, the dreams that weren't fulfilled simply becomes sceneries that passed by
In the end we wave these empty hands at each other
Filling with tears our eyes that couldn't even find the answer, saying goodbye
Don't be sad; this is the startline, our end and the beginning
This world is not a very beautiful thing, but
There's no reason to hurry and exit it so soon
The world betrays our trust time and again, but
Sometimes we can meet some happiness that we didn't expect
I pride myself on being betrayed; it's the proof that I tried to believe
The more I doubted, I lost
I don't want to say "I'm hurt", so
Whatever happens from now on, we want to be running without looking back
To insist that the yesterday where I tripped was also a run-up, I want to run and live
With just that, our memories that can't be laughed at turns to comedic stories
At that time, with the knees that finally gave in, we sped through the darkness
At that time, wanting to grasp something certain with the palm of the hands that gripped the sand
You understand; this is the startline, our end and the beginning
The days pass, the years pass, the beloved people pass- we have to hurry, we have to hurry; being a bit impatient, stumbling,
It's over, I can't move anymore- even as we're crouched down the time passes. Thinking, thinking, and then finally I acknowledge myself
I stand up, start running, at the time I looked up at the usual sky- it looked different from that time, I'm living the future from that day
I don't want to waste it all, there were no mistakes; the one who's supporting me now, is the me who broke down that day
"Thank you" and "I love you", I don't understand that stuff but I want to be singing
To insist that you who believed in me was correct, I want to be singing
It's just that; the thing that pushes me forward, is the face of you rejoicing
With the arms that I kept extending that time, I play the guitar loudly
With the mouth that couldn't say anything that time, screaming out a stupid song
Always, this place is the startline, our end and the beginning.