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    Pizda materina → English translation

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Pizda materina

Ref. 4x
Što sam bolji prema svima
to sam manje draži njima
pravo mjesto da ih šaljem
sad je pizda materina
Griješim u zivotu
i trpim glupu stoku
dajem drugu šansu
svakom idiotu
Prijatelji stari zovu
samo kad im trebam
dosta mi je svega
više nikom nista ne dam
Ref. 6x

Fuck off (literally "mother's pussy" )

Refrain 4x:
The better I behave to others
I'm less dear to them
the correct place to, so I can force them to go
now it's mother's pussy
I make sins in this life
and I support some kind of idiots
I give another chance to
every idiot
The old friends call me
only when I need them
I'm fed up of everything
I don''t give anything to anyone
Idioms from "Pizda materina"
kalmartkalmart    Fri, 09/09/2022 - 15:14

"samo kad im trebam" is rather "only when they need me" and not "only when I need them", isn't it?