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Questa è la realtà III [The gospel truth III]

Fu una tragedia
Zeus guidò gli dei in una ricerca frenetica
Ma quando trovarono il bambino…era troppo tardi
Era un mortale, ormai
Ma, per fortuna, non bevve mai l’ultima goccia
L’incantesimo non si compì
Così piccola
Ma tutti piansero il vuoto che rimase lassù
Per poi vederlo crescere lontano anche da noi
Il piano era così
Quasi perfetto
“Quasi”, però
E intanto lui cresceva forte
Per ritornare…ancor
Tornare ancor

This is the truth III

It was tragic
Zeus led the gods on a frantic search
But when they found the baby…it was too late
He had already become a mortal
But fortunately, he never drunk that last drop
The magic was not fulfilled
So small
But everybody cried the void left up there
To then see him raised far from us as well
Such was the plan
Almost perfect
But only “almost”
And in the meanwhile he was growing strong
To come back…again
Come back again