Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stand With Ukraine!
  • KAŠALJ → English translation

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Moja potreba za ulicama belog grada je svakodnevna
volim svoj grad jer tako treba
punim trgovima,precicama praznim,putevima zujim raznim
samo da osetim taj miris,miris u kraju kad detinjstvo me prizove
to me uvek podseti da moram da zivim u za boljom i verom u bolje
Ali stav mladih ljudi u Srbiji me smori,niko se ne trudi da postane bolji
sve manje njih zeli ovde da ostene jer,istina,uslovi za zivot su sve gori
Idi,studiraj,upoznaj,zaradi,vidi ko je bolji nemoj nikad da se vratis
al pre ili kasnije,svako bi nazad,hteo ne hteo ti gene svoje pratis
Ali pazi,sto si duze napolju to je veci problem da uklopis se ovde ako ikad kuci dodjes
Tamo nisi prihvacen,uvek si stranac onda svuda venes jer si emocijom vodjen
Dole su ti koreni,probaj da shvatis
uspomene dobre,pa i lose koje pamtis
jednom kada prodje vreme ne mozes da vratis
kada odluku doneses iza nje i stoji
Kako god si dok ostajes ovde,cekas priliku da odes,
radi na tome da postanes bolji,
nemoj da mracis,zbog dece te molim
Znam ja da svuda je kriza,mrznja,sumnja
u svakoj zemlji ima
Ali mene brine nasa dusa,dolazi zima razum nam se klima
Nasa prica je duga,ponekad srecna uglavnom je tuzna
U nasoj basti sve manje je ruza sve oko nas vene,
vec dugo je susa
Dok cekam kisu da prekratim vreme,s ljudima u razgovom ulazim cesto
smisljam nacine da popravim nesto,
samo od sebe nece da krene
i slusam slusam slusam slusam
njihove price kojih vise se gnusam
Pasivni kriticar i nemi posmatrac,prvi mraci a drugi ga pusta
Sve se svodi na novac,da bude nam bolje je potreban novac
bicemo bolji kad dobijemo novac
Znanje je moc,znanje je snaga,znanje pobedjuje,znanjem se vlada
novac olaksava,nisam budala,al zaradi ga znanjen osmeh i hvala
Klincima ponavljam uvek i sada,znanje je moc znanje je snaga
znanje je moc,znanje je snaga
Znanje ti povecava samopouzdanje,glupom u drustvu dzabe su pare
Na prvi pogled sija visokim sjajem al njegova sminka ima rok do kojeg traje
Tacno je da su zasticeni,
tacno je i da su jaki tajkuni,politicari,biznismeni koji obtcu pare sa mozgovima praznim
Par ljudi pola zemlje drzi,za uzvar drzavi nista da pruzi
Ni skole,ni bolnice,ni muzeje nove
ko u Norveskoj sefovi im pucaju od love
decu salju u privatne skole koje odresene ruke im daju
jer kako da izbaci nekog ko placa,
da cale mu je bitan vrlo dobro znaju
Izuzetak potvrdjuje pravilo mudrost je stara,
uvek ima onih dobrih koji vole pravdu
Ja se sad obracam bas vama,vreme je da zauzmete stranu
Jer nije problem u njima,problem je u nama koji cokcemo sa strane,dizemo ruke i okrecemo glavu
Ne preduzimamo nista vec odbrojavamo dane
Inace,sta ce da se dogodi?
Razmazenim klincima postacemo robovi
Da,naravno da to me pogodi
da sprecimo to lako mogli bi
bez arogancije ne budite puceni
tihog bih pogodio,ko to dalje uci
Tebra,moras da se mucis,tebra,nemoj da se bunis
treba da skitas,ali moras i da citas
Uvece se mrstis,preko dana citaj
Danju si na tekmi,uvece citaj
Ono sto ne znas slobodno pitaj
Stariji se cene po odgovoru,mladi po pitanju
Ako niko drugi,knjige sve odgovore imaju
Samo ih potrazi,lako ces ih naci
svakom novom recju ti postaces jaci
Knjigu baci,izadji pa se napij
ma da nisi mrtav znaci
sta god da radis u svemu meru nadji,dve,tri stvari
vesti dobre siri a ne one medijske
medijsko glediste,ne vise
zutice je previse,u novinama sediste
nemas cime ni da tesis se
Srbi u depresiji kukaju,mlade babe i dede tumaraju
i kako bez nade i vere i volje za borbom da promenimo nesto
Sada kukamo za Tadicem,Slobom,Titovim dobom,
poenta je da mi nismo zadovoljni sobom
Kako i da budemo kad kukamo samo?
Kritike se sire i to je sve sto znamo
Mrzimo ekstremiste sto mrze a nismo ni svesni da jezik mrznje serviramo deci
Nesto lepo reci,negativu seci,pozitivnog predloga bar se jednog seti
Srbija se raspada,u Srbiji je sranje,
to znamo ne davite nas dalje
Vrte se u krug samo iste mracne price
A predloga nigde
Tim putem vidis gde se stigne
Nema te droge koja moze da nas digne
Depresija pustila,napalo nas nesto kao autizam,sine
Mogu ja da kenjam po novinama razne stvarni
na TV-u da se ljudima penjem po glavi
Devedeset posto ljudi nece da me cuje
Automatski me odbacuje,automatski me i pljuje
ako neko me i cuje to zaboravi vec sutra
zato sam krenuo tekstove da pisem
jer medijima niko ne veruje vise
onaj koji veruje me ne zanima uopste
Od mene samo verbalni direkt,krose
Dosle mi lose misli pa me slose
kad vidim srbiju i narod volje lose
Precesto pomislim pomozi nam Boze
da probude se cetrije se sloze
Ne flov,tekst je bitan
na ovaj nacin ja zaduzbinu zidam
cuces ovo danas,sutra,prek'sutra i naksutra
muzika te privlaci,zvucnike ti rastura
kada te zacara,ja nastupam
ljubav ce da pobedi,tako sam vaspitan
samo zato ove rime sada rasturam i tudju decu ja pokusavam da vaspitam
Dobru energiju uzimam i zasipam
bele pione da crnog kralja matiram
i ja se povlacim,idem da ucim
a ti pritisni ripit,dok slusas glavom mucni


My need for the streets of the white city is an every day thing
I love my city because that's how it should be
Full of merchants, empty shortcuts, I pass on various paths
Just to feel that smell, smell of the neighborhood when my childhood calls me
It always reminds me that I have to life for the better faith that it will get better
But the thinking of Serbian youth has bored me, no one is trying to be better
Less and less want to stay here, because, truth be told, life circumstances are getting worse
Go, study, make money, see who is better and never come back
But sooner or later everyone wants back, like it or not you follow your genes
But beware, the more you are out there the harder it will be for you to fit in here if you ever come back home
You'll never accepted there, always a foreigner and you wither everywhere because you are guided by emotions
Down there are your roots, try to understand
Memories good, even the bad you remember
Once time passes, you can't get it back
When you make a decission, then stand by it firmly
However you are while staying here, waiting for the opportunity to go, work on it to be a better person,
Don't be in the dark, please, because of the kids
I know there is a crisis everywhere, hate, doubt
in every country, But I'm concerned about our soul,
winter is coming, heads are turning
Our story is long, sometimes happy, usually sad
In our garden there are less roses, everything withers
The draught has been so long
While I wait for the rain, to cut the time I talk to people
very often
I think of ways to fix something
It won't start on it's own
And I listen, listen, listen, listen
To their stories I detest
Passive critic and a silent observer, the first darkens and the other lets him. It all comes to money, to get better we need money, we'll be better when we get money
Knowledge is power, knowledge is strength, knowledge wins, with knowledge you rule
Money makes it easy, I am no fool, but make it with knowledge, smile and thank
To the kids I say now and always, knowledge is power, knowledge is strength, knowledge is power, knowldge is strength. Knowledge magnifies your confidence, to the stupid in society money is of no use
At first sight he shines bright but his make-up has a best before date
It's true they are protected
It's true they are mighty tycoons, politicians, businessmen that roll the money with empty heads
A few people own half the country, giving nothing in return
No new schools, hospitals or museums
Wealthy like in Norway, bosses full of dough
Sending their kids to private schools who give them free reign
Because how can they expel someone who pays
They know his father is a VIP
Exceptions confirm the rule - that's the old saying
There are always those who love justice
I'm speaking to you now, time to take a stand
Because the fault is not in them, it's in us standing at the side, mumbling, throwing our hands up and turning our heads
We're not doing anything, just counting the days
So what's going to happen?
To spoiled brats we'll become slaves
Yes, of course if that strikes me
To prevent it easily we could
Without arrogance, don't be frightened
it would strike the quiet one, who dares to study fruther
Bro you gotta suffer, bro, don't stand up to it
You can wonder, but you gotta read too
At night you can frown, during the day read
During the day go to the game, at night read
What you don't know, feel free to ask
Older are valued by their answerm the younger by their question. Just seek them and you'll find them
If no one else knows, books know the all the answers
Just seek them out, you'll find them easily
With every new word you become stronger
Throw the book, go out and get drunk
Just don't be dead
Whatever you do, find a limit, two, three things
Spread good news, not the mass media ones
Media point of view, not any more
Too much jaundice, centre of newspapers
You don't even have anything to comfort yourself
Depressed Serbians wail, young grannies and gramps wander
how can we change something without hope, faith and will
Now we cry for Tadic, Sloba, Tito times*
The point is we are not happy with ourselves
How can we be when we only whine?
Critics spread and that's all we know
We hate extremists that hate but we're not aware we serve the laguage of hatred to our children
Say something nice, cut the negative out, figure out at least one positive suggestion
Serbia is falling apart, Serbia's in shit,
We know that, don't drown us in it further
Round and round all the same dark stories
Suggestions nowhere
You can see where that road takes you
There's no drug that can get us high
Depression ceased, something like autism struck us son
I can shit on newspaper various stuff
To climb all over heads of people on the TV
90% of people doesn't want to hear me
They rejectme automatically, automatically diss me
If someone hears me, tomorrow they forget it
That's why I started writing lyrics
Because no one believes the media anymore
And thise that believe them I am not interested in
From me you'll get it verbally direct
Bad things come into my mind, make me sick
When I see Serbia and a nation in bad mood
Too frequently I think 'God help us
for the nations to wake up to unite'
Not the flow, the lyrics are important
In this way I build the endowment
You'll hear this today, tomorrow, and days after that**
Music attracts you, blasts your stereo
When it enchants you, that's when I come in
Love will win, I was raised like that
That's why now I blow these rhymes and I try to raise the other kids
I take good energy and pour it down
on the white pawns to check-mate the black king
And I retreat, I go to learn (study)
But you play the repeat, and while listening shake that brain a bit
Idioms from "KAŠALJ"
NutellaRsNutellaRs    Mon, 15/06/2015 - 15:19

Thanks you so much ^___^ . i know it took your time !

   Sat, 20/06/2015 - 18:42

You're welcome, it did take some time but it was worth it, good lyrics *thumbs up* :)