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  • Huge L

    Se on aivan sama → English translation

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Se on aivan sama

Sama mitä ikin teetki, oo oma ittes, vaikka ois Lada city jeeppi
Ja muista palaa aina lähtöruutuu, vaik tilit teetki, jotain puuttuu
Se on sama mitä ikin teetki, oo oma ittes, vaikka ois Lada city jeeppi
Ja muista palaa aina lähtöruutuu, vaik tilit teetki, aina jotain puuttuu
Mitä kuuluu maailma, heräsin tänään oikeel jalal oikeest paikasta
Taaimpan, ei mitää kiirettä eturivis, en viitti viilettää kiillettä etunimis
Se on Kimmo Huusko in the huushol, rimmaa kuus-nol pinnal juusto
Aamupalavoileipää mun suus on ja meno on laid-back
Lähen pihasta, joku nykii hihasta, pyytää, et mä hidastan
Se halus multa nimmarin, annoin nivaskan biittilevyjä ja sanoin, et sä tiiät, mitä mä rimmailin
Otin fillarin varastosta, ajan alas tosta, katon pinnoi, kun ne kiiltää vaik rapakos
Ja aurinko grillaa mun kasvoi ku Kabanos, tää on ku paradox
Sama mitä ikin teetki, oo oma ittes, vaikka ois Lada city jeeppi
Ja muista palaa aina lähtöruutuu, vaik tilit teetki, jotain puuttuu
Se on sama mitä ikin teetki, oo oma ittes, vaikka ois Lada city jeeppi
Ja muista palaa aina lähtöruutuu, vaik tilit teetki, aina jotain puuttuu
Se on näkymätön tuut tuut, ku mä tuun tuun
Boomboxeist huudeil kuuluu boom boom, bap
Ei tänään Big Mac aja Itäkeskuksen ohi, sit mä
Suuntaan kohti Stadia, storytellaan, mut en tiedä, mikä on tän tarina
Soitan DJ D:lle
Onks leedii, mä tuun sinne teelle
"Tos just sumppi porisee, löytyy muutama sample, ne levylle sopinee"
Hei mut se kuulostaa tosi jees, mut ei viitti kuumottaa puhelimeen, joten vi ses
Kulosaares illalla metro meni ohi, alkaa kuulosta illalta, etkofiilis oli
Kävin K-marketis, jätin konkelin pihalle ja hommaan pari Sandelsii jumane
Toisin ku handelist, ei mitää viinaa, mä oon pyörällä liikentees, teit pitää tsiigaa
Eli hasaa ja hiivaa, olo ku päiväntasaajal, paa palamaan siit vaan
Sama mitä ikin teetki, oo oma ittes, vaikka ois Lada city jeeppi
Ja muista palaa aina lähtöruutuu, vaik tilit teetki, jotain puuttuu
Se on sama mitä ikin teetki, oo oma ittes, vaikka ois Lada city jeeppi
Ja muista palaa aina lähtöruutuu, vaik tilit teetki, aina jotain puuttuu
Punavuores neiti legginsis, mekos, lyyli ku ei tienny mitä tehtiin getos
Saavun paikalle Redhill Records sample LP:t ku on nettiin menos
Muutama hyvä luuppi, DJ diipadaapa mikä huurteinen muutti
Saapuu ensimmäinen asiakas, osti euron Laatuaika EP:n eikä tarvinu antaa massii takas
Myymälän kassassa euro, kamat kassiin, kassis LP:t ja neuloi
DJ-keikka mbaris, lähe messii hengaa siks ku
On nii hyvä päivä, piti mennä Modelle, mut se kotona vaan istu
Mä oon venannu näitä säitä, ei ollu DJ-kopis neuloi, mut saatii aikaa läikät
Sama mitä ikin teetki
Sama mitä ikin teetki
Kesä lämmin, jep, mentii keikan jälkee rullailee DJ D:n kämpille
Ja vastaan tuli Reino the Raino, totes, mitä tsygää, jengi vastasi I know
Kämpillä biittii, yhtäkkii DJ D alko freestailaan
Sano danke se kiitti, mut viimesist freestyleistä on menny jonki aikaa
Tovin pääst aloin klokkaa katella, jotain vaille ysii nopsaa Alepaan
Reppuun muutama Koffi, suuntana Kauppatorin huutava lokki
Juubaa syväanalyysiä, tuumaa, ku kaupungis on kuumaa
Kaisaniemen puistoon hetkeks, ja takas Itä-Helsinkiin suuntaan
Sama mitä ikin teetki
Sama mihin ikin meetki
Sama mitä ikin teetki
Sama mihin ikin meetki


Whatever you do, be yourself, whether you have a Lada or a SUV
And always remember to return to square one, even if you make it big, there'll always be something missing
Whatever you do, be yourself, whether you have a Lada or a SUV
And always remember to return to square one, even if you make it big, there'll always be something missing
What's up world, I got up on the right side of the bed in the right place today
I'm huffing, no hurry in the front row, I don't wanna wreck my enamel in my own name
Kimmo Huusko in the building, rhymes with ? ? ?
The breakfast sandwich in my mouth, everything's going smoothly
I'm leaving the yard, someone's pulling on my sleeve, slow down.
He wanted my autograph, I gave him a pile of my CDs-lyrics, "So you'll know what I'm rhymnig about."
I took the bike from the storage, look the time from the ?, cuz they'll thank you even from the puddle.
The sun is roasting my face like a Kabanos1, this is like a paradox
Whatever you do, be yourself, whether you have a Lada or a SUV
And always remember to return to square one, even if you make it big, there'll always be something missing
Whatever you do, be yourself, whether you have a Lada or a SUV
And always remember to return to square one, even if you make it big, there'll always be something missing
There's an invisible toot-toot when I come come
From the boomboxes in the hoods you can hear bum bum
Map, no Big Mac today, drive past Itäkeskus, then
head towards Stadi, I'm a storytella but I don't know this story
I call DJ D
"Got some time?, I'll drop by for a tea."
"The coffee's on, I've got a few samples, I bet they'll fit on the CD"
"Hey, that sounds great, but I don't wanna speak on the phone, so see you in a bit."
I missed the Kulosaari metro in the evening, this is starting to feel like a night out, had the feeling
I went to K-market, left the bike out front, got a few Sandels2
Unlike from Alko, no damn booze, I'm with a bike, check out this tape
So it's leaven and yeast, it's like the Equator here, dough's burning
Whatever you do, be yourself, whether you have a Lada or a SUV
And always remember to return to square one, even if you make it big, there'll always be something missing
Whatever you do, be yourself, whether you have a Lada or a SUV
And always remember to return to square one, even if you make it big, there'll always be something missing
In Punavuori, I see a lady wearing leggings and a skirt, she don't have a clue what's going on in the ghetto.
I arrive at Redhill Records when the sample LPs are going online
A few good loops, the DJ had said, after a beer it's a different scoop3
The first customer arrives, buys a one euro Laatuaika EP, no need to give money back.
A euro in the cash register, I bag my stuff, the LPs and the needles.
"I've a DJ gig in Mbar, come along, cause it's been such a good day."
I meant to go to Mode's place but he was just sitting home.
I've been waiting for this weather, there were no needles in the DJ-box, but we managed to make a few tattoos.
Whatever you do
Whatever you do
The summer's warm, yep, after the gig we went to DJ D's place to hang out
And we saw Reimo the Raino, ? the gang was "I know"
At the place we played the beats, suddenly DJ D began freestyling.
He says danke, he thanked us, but it's been a while since my last freestyle.
After a bit I started looking at the clock, it was almost nine, I hurried to Alepa4.
Bought a few Koffis2, headed to Kauppatori.
A drunken deep analysis, I ponder when it's hot in the city
Went to Kaisaniemi park for a bit, then headed back to East-Helsinki.
Whatever you do
Where ever you go
Whatever you do
Where ever you go
  • 1. a kind of sausage, usually grilled.
  • 2. a. b. a brand of beer
  • 3. scoop = headline. Only there to create rhyme, feel free to substitute with "story"
  • 4. a Finnish shop chain
Huge L: Top 3
Idioms from "Se on aivan sama"
   Fri, 07/07/2017 - 18:10

"What's up world, I got up the right side of the bed in the right place today" --> "...I got up ON the right side"?

"Kimmo Huusko in the building, rhymes with ?" --> I corrected the ending of the original line to "pinnal juusto"

"I look the time from the ?, cuz they'll even thank you while standing in a puddle." --> I'm not sure about the original line, but something shines (kiiltää) even in a puddle

"? no booze, I'm with a bike, ?" --> handeli is probably Alko in this case (, not sure what teippi means here

"Meaning ? and yeast, feels like the Equator, the money's burning" --> hiiva seems to refer to beer

"A couple of good loops, the DJ's ?, changed by a frosty one" --> diipadaapa = something irrelevant

"The first customers arrives, buys a one euro Laatuaika EP, no need to give money back." --> no S after customer

"A euro in the cash register, I bag my stuff, the LPs and the needles." --> an euro

As a side note "Sano danke se kiitti, mut viimesist freestyleistä on menny jonki aikaa" --> the beginning might be "Sanon danke" and then something, but I'm not sure.

Sadly I'm not good at slang, so transcribing rap songs is pretty hard too. :D But those are some things I noticed now. There are most likely some mistakes in the original lyrics.

GuestGuest    Fri, 07/07/2017 - 19:58

Thanks so much for your corrections! I'm pretty sure "teippi" means "tape" (a casette) here.
Do you have any idea what "mitä tsygää" (3rd last verse, 2nd line) and "Juubaa syväanalyysiä" (2nd last verse, 3rd line) could mean?

   Fri, 07/07/2017 - 20:13

Yeah might be tape. And that's a good question... Tsygä is apparently yet another word for bike, but I'm not sure have I heard something wrong in that line. Because it doesn't make much sense in that context. And the other line you asked about, it could be "Juubaa, syväanalyysiä" and "juuba" could mean being drunk.

hugelistihugelisti    Fri, 03/04/2020 - 00:31

Some suggestions/fixes to both languages
"Imppaan" --> taaimpan
"I'm huffing, no hurry in the front row" --> "I'm in the back, no hurry to the front row" Would make more sense since the context is about being fine where you are without the need to show off.

"Aamupalavoileipää mun suus on ja mun meno on leipää" --> should be "mun meno on laid-back"

"Se halus multa nimmarin, annoin nivaskan bittilevyjä-sanoja et sä tiiät mitä mä rimmailin" --> Annoin nivaskan biittilevyjä ja sanoin et sä tiedät mitä mä rimmailin
"He wanted my autograph, I gave him a pile of my CDs-lyrics, "So you'll know what I'm rhymnig about."" --> "I gave him instrumentals of my CD's and said that "You know what I rhymed about""

"Otin fillarin varastosta, ajan valastosta, katon1ku ne kiiltää vaik rapakos" --> "Otin fillarin varastosta, ajan alas tosta, katon pinnoi kun ne kiiltää vaik rapakos" pinnoi means those thin metal rods in bicycle wheels.

"Boomboxeist huudeil kuuluu boom boom, Map" --> "Boomboxeist huudeil kuuluu boom boom, Bap" boom bap is a production style in hip hop.

"Suuntaan kohti Stadia, storytella on mut en tiedä mikä on tää tarina" -- > Storytellaan mut en tiedä mikä on tän tarina

"Toisin ku handelist, ei mitää viinaa mä oon pyörällä liikentees, teippi tää tsiigaa" --> "Toisin ku handelist, ei mitää viinaa mä oon pyörällä liikentees, teit pitää tsiigaa"
"I'm with a bike, check out this tape" --> "I'm riding a bike, have to keep my eyes on the road"

"Eli hansaa ja hiivaa, olo ku päiväntasaajal, vaan palaa massit vaa" --> Pretty sure it should be "Eli hasaa ja hiivaa, olo ku päiväntasaajal, paa palamaan siit vaan" hasaa means hashis, a form of cannabis and hiivaa means beer in this context.

   Fri, 03/04/2020 - 10:28

Thank you very much, I corrected the song lyrics like you suggested. Sadly the person who made the translation isn't here anymore, so it won't be updated.