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شو بتعمل بالناس

شو بتعمل بالناس
قلـي شو بـتعمل بالنـاس تاالناس تـحبك
بتـسرق قلـبن والاحساس شـو السـرالعـندك
يابا قلي
قلـي شو بـتعمل بالنـاس تاالناس تـحبك
بتـسرق قلـبن والاحساس شـو السـرالعـندك
تاأعرف بدفعلك عمري هالسر للي محير أمـري
تاأعرف بدفعلك عمري هالسر للي محير أمـري
ريحني وقلـي يا عمـري شو مخبى بقلبك لك قلي
قلـي شو بـتعمل بالنـاس تاالناس تـحبك
بتـسرق قلـبن والاحساس شـو السـرالعـندك
أول مابتهمس كلماتك بيدوبوالكل بحكياتك
في سـحر كبير بنظراتك دوبـني حـدك أنا ولله
أول مابتهمس كلماتك بيدوبوالكل بحكياتك
في سـحر كبير بنظراتك دوبـني حـدك آآآآاه
تاأعرف بدفعلك عمري هالسر للي محير أمـري
تاأعرف بدفعلك عمري هالسر للي محير أمـري
ريحني وقلـي يا عمـري شو مخبى بقلبك لك قلي
قلـي شو بـتعمل بالنـاس تاالناس تـحبك
بتـسرق قلـبن والاحساس شـو السـرالعـندك
سبحانو الله العاطيك سـحرورقة ومش ناسيك
خالق كل الطيبي فيك ومين اللي قدك أناولله
سبحانو الله العاطيك سـحرورقة ومش ناسيك
خالق كل الطيبي فيك ومين اللي قدك آآآاه
تاأعرف بدفعلك عمري هالسر للي محير أمـري
تاأعرف بدفعلك عمري هالسر للي محير أمـري
ريحني وقلـي يا عمـري شو مخبى بقلبك لك قلي
قلـي شو بـتعمل بالنـاس تاالناس تـحبك
بتـسرق قلـبن والاحساس شـو السـرالعـندك
لك قلي
قلـي شو بـتعمل بالنـاس تاالناس تـحبك
بتـسرق قلـبن والاحساس شـو السـرالعـندك
لك قلي

What is it that you do to people

What is it that you do to people
Tell me what is it that you do to people that makes them like you so much
You steal their hearts and feelings, what secret do you have
Oh, tell me
Tell me what is it that you do to people that makes them like you so much
You steal their hearts and feelings, what secret do you have
I'm willing to give my life as price, to learn of this secret that has kept me up at night
I'm willing to give my life as price, to learn of this secret that has kept me up at night
Just won't you tell me, my love, what you're hiding in your heart, won't you tell me
Tell me what is it that you do to people that makes them like you so much
You steal their hearts and feelings, what secret do you have
Praise the Almighty, who has given you charisma and grace and has not forgotten you
He who has created the kindness within you like nobody else
Praise the Almighty, who has given you charisma and grace and has not forgotten you
He who has created the kindness within you like nobody else, aaah!
I'm willing to give my life as price, to learn of this secret that has kept me up at night
I'm willing to give my life as price, to learn of this secret that has kept me up at night
Just won't you tell me, my love, what you're hiding in your heart, won't you tell me
Tell me what is it that you do to people that makes them like you so much
You steal their hearts and feelings, what secret do you have
Won't you tell me
Tell me what is it that you do to people that makes them like you so much
You steal their hearts and feelings, what secret do you have
Won't you tell me