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We Are Alone in the Immense Void That There Is

That void that there is...
What is life?
It is a race without sense and we,
We are alone in the immense void that there is.
What is life?
The agony of God.
There won't be redemption for our sins,
And there isn't truth that hasn't gone to pieces
We are pieces. We are damned.
Never take yourself, gather yourself here, distracted and
Abandoned these stars in the cellophane.
Will this night wrap?
How many dreams in the spirit,
How do you encounter angels?
Don't you see? You know it!
We ourselves are fragile/
We are alone in the immense void that there is,
Alone at the base of the universe without a reason.
There is need for a light here. Don't leave me,
At least love me as I am.
We are alone in the immense void that there is.
Where are you? How do you do it?
To resist in these moments?
If there is nobody who has any certainty,
A caress-- we are violent.
These stars you have harvested here for the dark
Will you live?
In the desert of the spirit,
How many angels will you meet?
You don't feel it,you know it!
We ourselves are fragile.
We are alone in the immense void that there is, convicted
To give a sense to the nothing because there is need of a
Light here. Don't leave me, at least love me as I am.
Give me a sign that I don't live more,
I need to believe you!
At least you...
We are alone in the immense void that there is, alone at the base
Of the universe without a reason,
And I need a light here.
Don't leave me, at least love...
Where are you?
We are alone in the immense void that there is,
And I need you, and I need you.
Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?
Original lyrics

Siamo soli nell'immenso vuoto che c'è

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
