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Sonnet 9 Is it for fear to wet a widows eye

Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye
That thou consumest thyself in single life?
Ah! if thou issueless shalt hap to die.
The world will wail thee, like a makeless wife;
The world will be thy widow and still weep
That thou no form of thee hast left behind,
When every private widow well may keep
By children's eyes her husband's shape in mind.
Look, what an unthrift in the world doth spend
Shifts but his place, for still the world enjoys it;
But beauty's waste hath in the world an end,
And kept unused, the user so destroys it.
No love toward others in that bosom sits
That on himself such murderous shame commits.

Sipi IX

'Oku pau ke viviku 'a e mata 'o e pekia 'e he ilifia
Ke ke kai kita 'i ha mo'ui e taha?
'Oi! Kapau ke ke mate
'E tangilaulau 'a mamani 'iate koe 'o hange ha pekia.
Ke hoko 'a mamani ko ho pekia pea kei tangi ia
Kae hala ha jino kuo ke tuku ki mu'a
Ke tauhi pe 'a e pekia fakapuli kotoa pe
'E he mata 'o e kau leka pea ke ngaohi hono 'uhono mo e 'atamai.
Sio, ko e ha me'a ta'etauhi koloa 'oku totongi 'i mamani
Fetongi hono anga kae kei sa'ia ia 'a mamani
Kae ma'u ha ngata'anga 'e he veve 'a e talavou
Pea ta'engaue ia ke faka'auha 'a e tama na.
Hala ha 'ofa 'oku hanga 'akinaua 'oku ta'utu ki he fatafata
Kae fai ha fakapongia angamaa kiate ia.