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上野発の夜行列車 おりた時から
北へ帰る人の群れは 誰も無口で
ごらんあれが竜飛岬 北のはずれと
はるかにかすみ 見えるだけ
さよならあなた 私は帰ります
風の音が胸をゆする 泣けとばかりに
さよならあなた 私は帰ります
風の音が胸をゆする 泣けとばかりに

Tsugaru Winter Scene

Since I stepped off the night train
departing from Ueno,
Aomori Station was within the snow
In the crowd of people returning north,
everyone is silent.
I hear only the rumbling of the sea
I, too, ride alone on a connecting ferry.
I gazed at the seagulls that seemed
like they would freeze and cried.
Ah, the Tsugaru Strait winter scenery…
Look, that is Cape Tappi, at the outskirts of the north.
People I do not recognize point their fingers.
I tried wiping the window glass
that my breath clouded up,
But I see only haze in the distance.
Goodbye, my dear. I am going back.
The sound of the wind shakes my chest,
and all I can do is cry.
Ah, the Tsugaru Strait winter scenery…
Goodbye, my dear. I am going back.
The sound of the wind shakes my chest,
and all I can do is cry.
Ah, the Tsugaru Strait winter scenery…
Latina_tanLatina_tan    Sun, 20/02/2022 - 05:45

Please let me add something here.

Ueno - Place name in Tokyo. There is a gigantic train station and the gateway to various countryside of Japan.
Aomori - The Northernmost prefecture of Japan's mainland, if you want to go to northern island, Hokkaido, you have to take a ferry from there.
Tsugaru Strait - a strait between Aomori and Hokkaido. There was no bridge in time of this song but now we have.
the name Tsugaru is old name of the region.
Cape Tappi - Northern end of Tsugaru peninsula