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I will marry my tears

Hey the bell rang
it strike me
he opened the door
Hey, I've got guests here
go, and come in the morning, I entered from the spite
there I heard her voice
an I only screamed loudly at myself
I will marry my tears
they will be the marriage witnesses
the lies that you've told
and you will be the first one to learn about it my dear
I will invite you, you will come
and you will not resist
to see me, and I know why
my downfall will never be missed
Hey the light turned on
to me everything darkened
he opened the door
Hey, I've got guests here
go, and come in the morning, I entered from the spite
there I heard her voice
an I only screamed loudly at myself
Original lyrics

Udace se suze moje

Click to see the original lyrics (Serbian)

GroquefordGroqueford    Sun, 16/11/2014 - 05:36

You've done a pretty good job but their are a few minor things.

Line 2: it should read "It strikes me"
Line 4,19: the phrase "have got" implies that you obtained someone or something and now posses it whereas "have" simply implies possession. This is a simple mistake that even native English-Speakers make sometimes.

There are a few commas out of place but that's a minor issue.
I hope I've helped.

san79san79    Sun, 16/11/2014 - 07:33

Pozdrav, naslov nije dobro preveden...pogledaj prvi prijevod koji je dobar.
I will marry my tears=Udat ću svoje suze...ispravan naslov je My tears will get married