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  • Antun Gustav Matos

    Utjeha kose → English translation

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Utjeha kose

Gledo sam te sinoć. U snu. Tužan. Mrtvu.
U dvorani kobnoj, u idili cvijeća,
Na visokom odru, u agoniji svijeća,
Gotov da ti predam život kao žrtvu.
Nisam plako. Nisam. Zapanjen sam stao
U dvorani kobnoj, punoj smrti krasne,
Sumnjajući da su tamne oči jasne
Odakle mi nekad bolji život sjao.
Sve baš, sve je mrtvo: oči, dah i ruke,
Sve što očajanjem htjedoh da oživim
U slijepoj stravi i u strasti muke,
U dvorani kobnoj, mislima u sivim.
Samo kosa tvoja još je bila živa
Pa mi reče: Miruj! U smrti se sniva.

Consolation In Hair

I watched you last night. Asleep. Sad. You dead.
In the fatal hall, in the flower idyl,
On the high death bed, in the candle lit agony,
Resolved to give you my life as sacrifice.
I did not cry. I did not. Astonished I stood
In the fatal hall, full of grand death,
In doubt that dark, clear, eyes
Are the ones from where better life shined for me.
Everything, but everything is dead: eyes, breath and hands,
Everything I wanted to bring to life with desperation
In a blind horror and in the passion of torment,
In the fatal hall, in thoughts of grey.
Only your hair was still alive
So it told me: Be still! In death one dreams.
Antun Gustav Matos: Top 3