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Ég læt mig líða áfram Í gegnum hausinn, hálfa leið afturábak
Sé sjálfan mig syngja sálm fagnaðarerindið við sömdum saman
Við áttum okkur draum, áttum allt...
Við riðum heimsendi, við riðum leitandi
klifruðum skýjakljúfa
Sem siðar sprungu upp friðurinn úti
Ég lek jafnvægi
Dett niður eg læt mig líða áfram og einhvern veginn
Ég kem alltaf niður aftur á sama stað
alger þögn
Engin orð
Það besta sem Guð hefur skapað, er nýr dagur

Good Weather For Airstrikes

I put myself forward over the head,halfway backward
See myself singing the gospel hymn we wrote together
We had a dream,we had all
We rode to the end of the world,we rode searching
Climbing skyscrapers
Which then shattered the peace there
I played steady
Falling down,I will let myself forward,and somehow
I always come down again in the same place
Absolute silence
No words
The best thing that God has created is a new day
Sigur Rós: Top 3
TrampGuyTrampGuy    Tue, 12/02/2013 - 13:14

Do you know Icelandic Dunkel Engel?

Dunkel EngelDunkel Engel
   Tue, 12/02/2013 - 16:03

Learning of my friends kind of knows he helped me a little it that bad? xD

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Tue, 12/02/2013 - 16:25

Oh no, I didn't mean it that way :) Actually, I didn't even take a close look at the translation, I was just wondering if maybe you can help with some of my Icelandic requests (if you know the language well enough of course).

Dunkel EngelDunkel Engel
   Tue, 12/02/2013 - 16:37

Oh,well,I can always try to help you,if you want... ^^

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Tue, 12/02/2013 - 16:51

Well, I have only one Icelandic request atm :
But if you can do Faroese as well, I have several of those. I also have one in Old Norse if you wish.
You can rifle through my requests, see what you like best.

Dunkel EngelDunkel Engel
   Tue, 12/02/2013 - 16:56

Ok..I'll se what I can help with xDD ;)

heystbergheystberg    Fri, 01/08/2014 - 11:37

Hello there! I just happened to stumble upon this thread while looking for a translation, and I saw you asked about some Faroese translations, so I thought why not give it a try! What is it you would like translated?

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Sat, 02/08/2014 - 16:35

Are you a Faroese native? OMG, you sir, are an extremely rare breed online :)