Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
  • Kikuo

    僕をそんな目で見ないで → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas


死んだのが恥ずかしくなるだろ (まーまー)
死んだのが情けなくなるだろ (ぱーぱー)
ちんとんしゃん しゃばだばだば
とれろ とれろ トレモロ ラレルラ トレモロル ラリラ
トロトロにむけた僕は どこに行くんだろ?
お空を飛び越えて オルゴールの櫛歯(くしば)に挟まる
体が小さく 飛び散って僕はたくさんになる
空っぽの脳みそが トロトロにとろけてお星様になる
兵隊の銃声は なりやまない 演奏は なりやまない
オルゴールは いつまでも止まらない
遠い国の果てで オルゴールは鳴り続ける
大丈夫みんな 星になれば仲間さ
虹のように光る 魂の最期は
ぷるんとグミのように 砕けて溶けて消える
死んだのが恥ずかしくなるだろ (まーまー)
死んだとこ見ないでおくれよ (ぱーぱー)
だって死ぬの気持ちよかった僕は 恥ずかしくって
じゃんじゃんぱっ じゃんじゃんぱっ しゃんしゃんぱら ドロリトロル
とれろ とれろ トレモロ ラレルラ トレモロル ラリラ
白く トロトロに パラパラ ハララララ...
お昼の帰り道 自転車で下り道くだるくだる
初めて風になる 僕の心は風に壊される
こんなに気持ちいいなんて 僕が風に壊されてくのは
いつまでも下る下る 終わらない坂道
人の姿は どこにも見つけれない
家は消滅して 電線は歪みくねる
風に削られて 体が赤く溶ける
そして僕は消える 魂を残したまま
いつまでも どこまでも
ぱぱの兵隊さんは オルゴールの隙間から手を振っていた
(ぱ ぱ ぱ ぱ ぱ ぱらぱら
ま ま ま ま ま ばらばららららら
ラルレロ ルリレロ ラルロ)

Don't Look At Me In That Way

Don't look at me with those eyes, Mama
Dying like this is embarrassing (murmur)
My milky soft cheeks
Were blown up up like popcorn
Don't look at me with those eyes. Papa
Dying like this doesn't need pity (pa~ pa~)
The welcoming parade pulled my soul with tweezers
(And) threw it away
Chin ton shan, Shabadaba
The tremolo goes Torero, torero, and lalelula toremororu lalila
Me, sticky like syrup, wondering where I should go?
I jumped over the sky, and got caught in the comb of a music box
The trembling of the comb's teeth feels so good
Pew-pew, little by little, I (would) pop
My small body is spattered into little bits, becoming so many
My empty brain melts (stickily) and became the stars
The gunshots of the soldiers won't stop
The music playing will not stop
The music box will never stop
Even to the ends of a distant country the music box's song will continue (to play)
It's okay everyone, we'll become friends once we're all stars
At my soul's last moment, it shined like a rainbow
Jelly and gummy like, I broke, melted and vanished
That is why
Don't look at me with those eyes, Mama
Dying like this is very embarrassing (murmur)
The cute me is pleasantly being defeated and thrown away
Don't look at me with those eyes, Papa
Be sent off and don't look at my death
Because I'm embarrassed to have found it pleasant to die
Jan jan pa jan jan pa shanshanpara Dololitololu
The tremolo goes Torero, torero, and lalelula toremororu lalila
White sticky drops going pitter-patter halalala~
On the way home at noon I descend down the road by bicycle
With training wheels (missing), I go between narrow roads
For the first time I became the wind, which destroyed my heart
It was such a good feeling, being destroyed by the wind
I descended down and down for an eternity
down the never-ending road
There are no figures of people to be found anywhere
The houses disappeared, electric cables became distorted
Shaved by the wind my body melted into red
And then I vanished, leaving behind my soul
I was not supposed to be there, along with my bicycle that never existed
Forever, anywhere, anytime
Don't look at me with those eyes, Mama
For I no longer exist anywhere anymore
In your mini car you (bought) filled your car with manga
Don't look at me with those eyes, Papa
It felt good to die and disappear
Papa, you've made a lot of toy soldiers in the music box again
I don't exist anywhere anymore
My soul has disappeared into the world of dreams
I've vanished with the melted remains of Mama's toys
I don't exist anywhere anymore
I bid adieu until we meet in your dreams again
Papa's soldiers in the music box were waving their
hands from the crevice
Pa pa pa pa pa pitter-pattering
ma ma ma ma ma Balabala-la-la-la-la
Lalulelo lulilelo lalulo