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  • Altin Sulku

    Cfare ti bej → traducción al Inglés

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What should I do? (about him)

What should I do?, What should I do?
What should I do about the brother?
What should I do? What should I do?
What should I do? He's making my heart explode/break
I write to her on Whatsapp, I get her on the phone,
You, baby, are always busy, hey
When you cross by the road to your house,
You always have your brother right behind,
Every time I see him, I change my path
I can't do anything about this pulsating heart (he's afraid of the bro)
You know very well, that he's a (my) problem
Because he always comes right behind you
Can you tell him for me, hey hey hey
Can you tell him that I love you
I love her, but he doesn't (want us together)
It seems to me that Altin has fallen in love,
It seems to me that the brown-eyed girl has charmed you with her eyes
Hey, she's provoking when she looks at you,
But stand strong, because a man doesn't act like that
You are Voci(?not sure, but could mean player from context) from Diber, so play dirty,
When you see her again, act as if you don't care
Don't go after her (chase her), go in front of her,
Greet her friends "How beautiful you girls are!"
The game circles as anger builds,
Oh how great it will turn out for someone,
Here then and success and listen to Rigelsi(?not sure of reference)
She has the lock and we have the key, bastard
When you see her again, now you give her a rose
Get a red one to symbolize love
And if her brother catches you hugging her, to tell the truth
Do what you want, because I can't help you there (byeee in spanish)
I've started smoking
Because he's never going to believe (my feelings for you)
I roam the streets and walk high and low
Because without her, I feel empty
Whenever I see him, I change my path
I can't do anything about this pulsating heart
You know very well, that he's a problem
Because he always comes right behind you
Can you tell him for me
Can you tell him that I love you
I love her, but he doesn't
Letra original

Cfare ti bej

Letras de canciones (Albanés)

Por favor, ayuda a traducir "Cfare ti bej"
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