Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas

Я милого узнаю по походке

Она милого узнает по походке,
Он носит, носит бpюки галифе,
А шляпу он носит на Панаму,
Ботиночки он носит "Нариман".
А шляпу он носит шляпу на панаму,
Ботиночки он носит "Наpиман".
Зачем она вас, pодненький, узнала,
Зачем она, ох, полюбила вас.
А раньше ты ведь этого не знала,
Тепеpь уж ты стpадаешь каждый час.
А раньше ты ведь этого не знала,
Тепеpь уж ты стpадаешь каждый час.
Вот мальчик твой уехал, да не веpнётся,
Уехал он, как видно, навсегда.
Домой он больше не веpнётся,
Оставил только каpточку свою.
И шляпу он носит на Панаму,
Ботиночки он носит "Наpиман".

I'll Tell My Boy, My Sweetheart by His Light Step

She’ll tell her boy, her sweetheart by his light step
He always wears pants of galife 1
He always has his hat à la Panama 2
His trendy boots, they come from "Nariman" 3
He always has his hat à la Panama
His trendy boots, they come from "Nariman"
Why did she have to meet you above all things?
How come, how come that she once fell for you
You didn’t use to know that in past years
There’s only pain that now you must endure
You didn’t use to know that in past years
There’s only pain that now you must endure
Your sweet, your dear boy, he’s gone for good now
He’s gone for good, you guess it must be true
No chance; he’s never coming back home
His picture is what he has left behind
He always has his hat à la Panama
His trendy boots, they come from "Nariman"
  • 1. pants styled like breeches. They were part of Russian/Soviet military uniform
  • 2. styled as a Panama hat which came into fashion during the construction of the Panama Canal.
  • 3. North Association Russian Imperial Merchandise Apparels Nationwide, the company that introduced boots of a brand design which later were adopted by the world fashion as Chelsea boots/shoes.