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What about now, José?

What about now, José?
The party is over,
the light is off,
the people are gone,
the night has gone cold,
what about now, José?
what about now, you?
you, who are nameless
you, who mocks others,
you, who writes verses,
who loves, protests?
what about now, José?
You have no wife,
Have no love,
no speech,
can no longer drink,
can no longer smoke,
spit no longer,
night has gone cold,
dawn hasn't come
tram hasn't come,
laughter hasn't come,
utopia has come not
and everything's over
everything fleed,
everything wilted,
what about now, José?
Your sweet word,
your moment of fever,
your glutony and fast,
your library,
your gold plating,
your glass suit,
your contradiction,
your hatred - what about now?
Having the key in your hands,
wants to open the door,
there is no door;
wants to drown in the sea,
but the sea has dried;
wants to go to Minas1,
Minas there is no longer.
José, what about now?
If you screamed,
if you moaned,
if you played
Viena's waltz,
if you slept,
if you got tired,
if you died,
But you don't die,
you are tough, José!
Alone in the dark,
as a wild animal,
without theogony,
without naked wall
to lie on,
without dark horse,
may it runaway,
You march, José!
José, where to?
  • 1. Minas Gerais is a brazilian state
Letra original

E agora, José?

Letras de canciones (Portugués)

Paulo Diniz: 3 más populares
Modismos de "E agora, José?"