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  • Claudi Martí

    Galileo → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas


Gracias por el azul del cielo
Y por las noches alumbradas,
Somos un pedazo de estrella,
Piedra perdida en el espacio...
- Hereje, siéntate y calla :
La Tierra fue su obra mayor
Dios se lo dijo al Santo Oficio
La clavó centro y corazón !
Eppure si muove
No seas triste Galileo,
Eppure si muove
Y viajando seguiremos.
- Saludos, sabia asamblea,
Verdad : son siete tres y tres.
Confiteor, verdugos buenos,
Yo lo que quieran les diré.
Niños jugando a la rayuela
Iluminan el callejón,
Galileo sonríe a su sombra
Que va creciendo bajo el sol.
Eppure si muove
No seas triste Galileo,
Eppure si muove
Y viajando seguiremos.
Galileo, desde mil siglos
Villas miserias y verde sol,
Quería hacerte una carta
En italiano, en español.
Andamos por el Universo
Siendo hormigas bajo el sol,
Santos Oficios perdurasen
¡Qué saben todo mas que Dios!
Eppure si muove
No seas triste Galileo,
Eppure si muove
Y viajando seguiremos.


Thanks for blue of the sky
And for the nights lit up,
We’re just a bit of star,
A rock lost in space…
- Heretic, sit down and be quiet:
The Earth was His greatest work
God told as much to the Holy Office1
He nailed it heart and centre!
And yet, it moves…2
Don’t be sad, Galileo
And yet, it moves…
And we'll keep on travelling.
-Greetings, wise assembly,
Truth: Three and three make seven
Confiteor,3 good prosecutors,
I’ll tell them what they want to hear.
Children playing hopscotch
Brighten up the alleyway,
Galileo smiles at his shadow
That grows under the sun.
And yet, it moves…
Don’t be sad, Galileo
And yet, it moves…
And we'll keep on travelling.
Galileo, for a thousand centuries,
Shantytowns and green sun,
I wanted to write you a letter
In Italian, in Spanish.
We go about the universe
Feeling like ants beneath the sun,
Holy Offices remain
They know more than God!
And yet, it moves…
Don’t be sad, Galileo
And yet, it moves…
And we'll keep on travelling.
  • 1. The Holy Office of the Inquisition
  • 2. The famous words said to have been uttered by Galileo at the end of his trial for heresy, after he was forced to recant his assertions about heliocentric model of the Solar System.
  • 3. Latin, “I confess.” The name of a penitential prayer within Roman Catholicism.
Claudi Martí: 3 más populares
Modismos de "Galileo"
RezzRezz    Mié, 10/01/2018 - 18:57

Great translation like always, Taylor! Just a couple of corrections, just teeny tiny details:

- "Somos un pedazo de estrella" -> We're just a piece/bit of a star
- "Piedra perdida en el espacio" -> A rock lost in space
- "La Tierra fue su obra mayor" -> The Earth was his greatest work
- "Y viajando seguiremos" -> And we'll keep on travelling.

Once again, thanks a lot for taking your time to translate these songs. Your efforts are truly appreciated :D

   Mié, 10/01/2018 - 19:03

Hi Rezz!

Thanks from your suggestions, as always. For the first two of them, I know that's what the Spanish literally says, but I was hoping to use phrases more common in English to convey the same ideas. I'll adjust the translation anyways, since it doesn't do any harm. :)

Thanks again for the input and vote!