Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
Tamaño de fuente
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Full Speed Energetically DAY! DAY! DAY!

Yo!Yo! Going at full throttle from the morning on!
Hey!Hey! Everyone is exhilarated as well, right?
Yo!Yo! It feels like we can do anything!
I was just struck with an idea, so
I want to meet soon...! I want us to come together and talk...!
I just couldn't wait, and woke up early!
The morning air has the scent of greenery and salt,
and I inhale big, deep whiffs of it!
Running quickly up the hillside road, Ahh!someone's back
can be seen from the distance! Good morning!
I dash forward with my hand raised! You'll notice it, right?
What will today be like? (What kind of day? DAY! DAY! DAY!)
Ahh~ Definitely an energetic, full speed day!
Hey, listen to me!
I have an idea that seems fun, so
let's gather after school! (No refusing!)
With a meaningful voice I say: See you later!
Yo!Yo! Going at full throttle from the morning on!
Hey!Hey! Everyone is exhilarated as well, right?
Yo!Yo! It feels like we can do anything!
After eating lunch, I became sleepy, so
I closed my eyes for a bit... I'm not sleeping, you know! I'm not asleep!
I'm just taking a break! A short one, ok?
The commotion outside the window is like a lullaby...
Wait What? I need to wake up!
I stre~tched in the back, Ahh someone's calling me!
I try to hide my bedhead and greet them: Hello!
When I'm in a pinch, I wear an embarrassed grin... Did you find me out?
What should I start talking about? (What should I start from?)
Let's decide when the time comes!
What will today be like? (What kind of day? DAY! DAY! DAY!)
Ahh~ Definitely an energetic, full speed day!
Hey, listen to me!
I have an idea that seems fun, so
let's gather after school! (No refusing!)
With a meaningful voice I say: See you later!
Letra original


Letras de canciones (Japonés)
