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Holy Night

君に届けんだ party night
君に誓うんだ Holy Holy Night...
今年のクリスマス ちょっと特別さ
星屑のイルミネーション ほら降り積もるよ
キラキラ輝いて みんなが幸せで
チカチカ瞬いて みんなが夢を見て
君に届けんだ party night
君に誓うんだ Holy Holy Night...
今年のクリスマス きっと特別さ
Lonely Christmas じゃつまらない
笑顔はイルミネーション ほら飾ってあげる
ゆらゆら揺らめいて みんなで手をつなぎ
ピカピカ煌いて みんなで星見上げ
君に届けんだ party night
君に誓うんだ Holy Holy Night...

Holy Night

Come Christmas, full of smiles
I will send you a party night
Come Christmas, full of wishes
I will swear to you the holy, Holy Night...
This Christmas must be special
Even if it wasn't a white one
Stardust-like illuminations will rain down on us
Sparkling, sparkling, everyone's happy
Flickering, flickering, everyone's in their dreams
Come Christmas, full of smiles
I will send you a party night
Come Christmas, full of wishes
I will swear to you the holy, Holy Night...
This Christmas must be special
It's lame being all alone
Smile is illumination; let me put it up for you
Shimmering, shimmering, everyone holds their hands
Flashing, flashing, everyone gazes at the stars
Come Christmas, full of smiles
I will send you a party night
Come Christmas, full of wishes
I will swear to you the holy, Holy Night...
Por favor, ayuda a traducir "Holy Night"
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