Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
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I broke three eggs firstly
Sliced oranges carefully
And added some milk
I made a cake for you
People can do everything when they want
That's nothing when considering
And when I find the recipe out
I made a cake for you
You were charmed when you saw that girl
When she looked at you and smiled
And I slept early coincidently
You made me upset
People can do everything when they want
That's nothing when considering
And when you felt her feelings
You made me upset
I mixed well
I raced myself with her
Nobody resembles to anybody
I appeased myself with cake
I made a cake for you
I mixed flour and milk carefully
When it melted I added butter
And when the oven was 180 degrees hot
I put them in it and made a cake for you
People can do everything when they want
That's nothing when considering
And when I find the recipe out
I made a cake for you
I mixed well
I raced myself with her
Nobody resembles to anybody
I appeased myself with cake
I made a cake for you
It's obvious,you felt sorry when you saw me
When I came to you with my cake
And when I cried and confessed
You overrated; you thought I was an angel
Letra original


Letras de canciones (Turco)

Nil Karaibrahimgil: 3 más populares
maiamaia    Vie, 27/05/2011 - 19:18

bikaç yer için öneri;
*Bu bir şey değil düşününce-> that is nothing when considering
*Ben de tesadüf o gece erken yattım -> and that night I slept early coincidently
*Bana kelek yaptın -> you screwed me over
*Kimse kimseye benzemez -> nobody resembles to anybody
*Bir de ağlayıp itiraf edince -> besides when you cried and confessed
*Abarttın; beni melek yaptın -> you overrated it, you thought I was an angel