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  • Happoradio

    Luonasi on linnani → traducción al Inglés

  • 2 traducciones
    Inglés #1, #2
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My castle is with you

Come come, my girl.
My fun-loving heathen.
My life's bone.
My life's reason.
Come come, my girl.
My lovely bride.
The drifter's road.
The drifter's design.
Come come, my girl.
My tremoring companion.
The unknown tree.
The unknown woodland.
Come come, my girl.
Master of my star.
You are her.
Yes, truly you are.
Like faith, I'll follow you,
and I'll calm the crazy, mangy
beast that attacks in the gloom.
For you, I stop drowning and cluth to
the trunk of brio.
I waltz through that dead field knowing,
My Castle is with you.
Come come, my girl.
My firey dame.
Tame my mind.
Tame my phrasing.
Come come, my girl.
My lovely leopard.
Say not a word.
Say not one word.
Come come, my girl.
My tremoring wing.
My hand's bog.
My hand's string.
Come come, my girl.
The curbstone of my street.
You are the reason.
You are the proceed.
Like faith, I'll follow you,
and I'll calm the crazy, mangy
beast that attacks in the gloom.
For you, I stop drowning and cluth to
the trunk of brio.
I waltz through that dead field knowing,
My Castle is with you.
Come like thunder's undulation.
Put the lake in jurisdiction.
Like faith, I'll follow you,
and I'll calm the crazy, mangy
beast that attacks in the gloom.
For you, I stop drowning and cluth to
the trunk of brio.
I waltz through that dead field knowing,
My Castle is with you.
(My Castle is with you.)
My Castle is with you.
Letra original

Luonasi on linnani

Letras de canciones (Finés)

Happoradio: 3 más populares
   Sáb, 03/02/2024 - 19:02

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.