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Past midnight

(It was) past midnight, I was coming back from work
And I saw you at the bar with someone else in your arms
And you had said to me, if you remember it, that you're sleeping such hours
(And you had said to me, if you remember it, that you're sleeping such hours)
But the world is small, but enough said (enough)
Your lying (enough), to forgive (enough)
Your mistakes (enough), to love you (enough)
And I hurry away
(It was) past midnight, I was coming back from work
And I saw you at the bar with someone else in your arms
Past midnight, how could you have imagined it
That you would be this lucky to see me in front of you
And you had said to me, do you remember it, that you're sleeping such hours
(And you had said to me, doyou remember it, that you're sleeping such hours)
But unfortunately I saw you, but enough said (enough)
Your lying (enough), to forgive (enough)
Your mistakes (enough), to love you (enough)
And I hurry away
(It was) past midnight, I was coming back from work
And I saw you at the bar with someone else in your arms
And you had said to me, if you remember it, that you're sleeping such hours
(And you had said to me, if you remember it, that you're sleeping such hours)
But the world is small, but enough said (enough)
Your lying (enough), to forgive (enough)
Your mistakes (enough), to love you (enough)
And I hurry away
(It was) past midnight, I was coming back from work
And I saw you at the bar with someone else in your arms
Letra original

Μεσάνυχτα Και Κάτι

Letras de canciones (Griego)

Modismos de "Μεσάνυχτα Και Κάτι"