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  • Mayra Andrade

    Nha Nobréza → traducción al Inglés

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The Flower of My Youth

Long ago when I was seventeen,
There was no other young girl in my village
Who had hips as generous as mine
One Sunday in São Domingos
In the middle of Mass I felt his eyes staring at me
And I simply looked back at him while he looked at me!
I didn't even dare to take Communion
My God forgive me!
I was thrilled
I wanted to give in but how to go about it
Nevertheless one day it came about:
That was the flower of my youth.
I didn't even dare to take Communion
My God forgive me!
And on the way home
While we walked alongside the corn either side of the road
The most beautiful conversation ever heard took place
Ah ah ah
The flower of my youth !
Letra original

Nha Nobréza

Letras de canciones (Criollo caboverdiano)

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