Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas

Обичам да те режа

You know who is this - it's your boy Dee, buddy!
It's about to go down - work it, work it, work it!
Обичам да те режа,
не търся всичко наведнъж понеже,
и две плюс две за мене пет е -
едно наум винаги!
Booty drop, make it clap! (x4)
Ти искаш тръпка - аз връзка, предлагам ти игра:
ще те целуна - печелиш, поискаш ли - ще спра!
Пробвай, засечи ми час, вкуса любим ще съм ти аз!
Всичко друго ще горчи - засичаш ли?
Жена като мен на теб не ти отива,
свястна съм, ти не си падаш по такива,
причините много - да не сме си тъй гъсти,
да изброявам нямам толкова пръсти!
(I own that girl, I own that girl!)
Правя колекция от яки моменти,
(I own that girl, I own that girl!)
сега ще разтърся всички планети!
Get up, get up, get up, get up, come on! (x4)
Припев: (х2)
Обичам да те режа,
не търся всичко наведнъж понеже,
и две плюс две за мене пет е -
едно наум винаги!
Booty drop, make it clap! (x4)
Жена като мен на теб не ти отива,
свястна съм, ти не си падаш по такива,
причините много - да не сме си тъй гъсти,
да изброявам нямам толкова пръсти!
(I own that girl, I own that girl!)
Правя колекция от яки моменти,
(I own that girl, I own that girl!)
сега ще разтърся всички планети!
Ти искаш тръпка - аз връзка, предлагам ти игра:
ще те целуна - печелиш, поискаш ли - ще спра!
Пробвай, засечи ми час, вкуса любим ще съм ти аз!
Всичко друго ще горчи - засичаш ли?
Get up, get up, get up, get up, come on! (x4)
Припев: (х2)
Обичам да те режа,
не търся всичко наведнъж понеже,
и две плюс две за мене пет е -
едно наум винаги!
Booty drop, make it clap! (x4)
Обичам да те режа,
не търся всичко наведнъж понеже,
и две плюс две за мене пет е -
едно наум винаги!

I like blowing you off

You know who is this - it's your boy Dee, buddy!
It's about to go down - work it, work it, work it
I like blowing you off, 1
I don't want everything at once,
because two plus two makes five for me,
I'm always on my guard about something/one thing 2
Booty drop, make it clap!
You want a thrill, and I - a relationship, I'm offering you a game:
I will kiss you - you win, if you want to - I'll stop!
Go on, give me an hour - I will be your favorite taste.
Everything else will taste bitter - are you taking the time?
A woman like me is not for you/not suitable for you.
I am (a) decent (person) - that's not your type.
The reasons why we're not really close are so many,
I don't have enough fingers to count them on.
I own that girl, I own that girl.
I'm making a collection of cool moments.
I own that girl, I own that girl.
Not I'm going to make all the planets quake!
Get up, get up, get up, get up, come on!
I like blowing you off,
I don't want everything at once,
because two plus two makes five for me,
I'm always on my guard about something/one thing
Booty drop, make it clap! (x4)
A woman like me is not for you/not suitable for you.
I am (a) decent (person) - that's not your type.
The reasons why we're not really close are so many,
I don't have enough fingers to count them on.
I own that girl, I own that girl.
I'm making a collection of cool moments.
I own that girl, I own that girl.
Now I'm going to make all the planets quake!
You want a thrill, and I - a relationship, I'm offering you a game:
I will kiss you - you win, if you want to - I'll stop!
Go on, give me an hour - I will be your favorite taste.
Everything else will taste bitter - are you taking the time?
Get up, get up, get up, get up, come on!
I like blowing you off,
I don't want everything at once,
because two plus two makes five for me,
I'm always on my guard about something/one thing
Booty drop, make it clap! (x4)
I like blowing you off,
I don't want everything at once,
because two plus two makes five for me,
I'm always on my guard about something/one thing
  • 1. Обичам да те режа - literally "I like cutting you"
    "да отрежа някого" - literally "to cut somebody" - this is a Bulgarian slang expression which means "to reject somebody"
  • 2. "едно на ум винаги" - literally "always one thing on my mind"
    "да имам винаги едно на ум" - "to have always one (thing) on my mind" - a Bulgarian idiomatic expression which means "to always be careful and never completely trust something/someone"
    That's why she sings that "two + two makes five" for her, because she has that extra "one" on her mind.
Modismos de "Обичам да те режа"