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    Oldu Canım Ara Beni → traducción al Inglés

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Oldu Canım Ara Beni

Gardiyan mı, sevgili mi
Hiç bitmedi şu göz hapsi
Biktirdi sorgu suali
Artık canıma tak etti
Birazcık kahrı varmış
Çeksem sanki ne varmış
Oldu canım ara beni
Senin ki sevgimi sanki eziyet
Olay bu, bundan ibaret vaziyet
Başkası olsa çoktan bırakır giderdi
Olmuyor, olamıyor, hoşçakal derdi
Pes eder senden vazgeçerdi

okey my life call me

is she guardian is she lover
never ended that eye confinement
was palled her question her inquiry
anymore to my life it s patted
she had a little grief
as if ı pull what had got
okey my life call me
is yours love as if imposition
fact this consist from that position
if it was another already would left would went
not happening can t happening goodbye would said
would say no would gave up from you
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