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  • Saša Kovačević

    Ornament → traducción al Inglés

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Još uvek nosim, znaj
onaj fini, tanki ornament što si meni dala
kad je čitav svet ispod mene bio
i kad sam krio nerazumljiv strah
što ga duša oseća
Filigrankse niti
na komadu brušenog metala
što si meni dala, kao da si znala
zauvek urezan jedan dan
da na tebe večno podseća
Ako se probudiš
sad dok se jutro hvata
ako me naslutiš, da sam tu
ispred tvojih vrata
Još uvek nosim, znaj
sav moj bol oko vrata
krvavu suzu rubina
na tankom obruču od zlata
Ko zna koji sedativ
da utiša sve oluje moje
i ovako nisam živ, izgubio sam boje
na pramcu broda ulila se voda
i svi dani pokisli
Još uvek nosim, znaj
onaj fini, tanki ornament
filigrankse niti, brušenog metala
kao da si znala, da će jedan dan
biti večno urezan


I still carry, know
that nice, thin ornament that you had given me
when the whole world was underneath me
and when I was hiding incomprehensible fear
that soul can feel
The filigree threads
on a peace of brushed metal
that you gave to me, like you knew
Forever carved one day
to remind on you forever
If you wake up
now while the morning is still rising
If you sense me, that I am here
in front of your door
I still carry, know
all my pain around neck
a bloody ruby tear
on a thin ring of gold
Who knows a sedative
to calm all my storms
I am not alive in either way, I have lost colors
On the cut water water has come
and all days wet from rain
I still carry, know
that nice, thin ornament that you had given me
The filigree threads of brushed metal
like you knew that one day
will be carved forever
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