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Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
  • Vocaloid

    ポジポジ → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas


人生ポジティブに考えて生きてみようよ 悲しいことだって笑い飛ばせるように
前を向き歩いて大声で叫ぼう ポジティブシンキング♪
(PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi ポジポジ♪
PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi ポジポジ♪ ポジポジ♪)
(PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi ポジポジ♪
PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi ポジポジ♪ ポジポジ♪)
食べないでダイエットだ スリムビューティーよ
人生ネガティブに考えて生きてみたって 楽しいことなんてやってこないんだから
「しあわせ」と言えるような日々を過ごそう ポジティブシンキング♪
(PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi ポジポジ♪
PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi ポジポジ♪ ポジポジ♪)
好きな人にフラれた… ポジティブに考えよう
相手は照れてるだけ 素直じゃないんだね
照れ屋な君のために 部屋にカメラしかけた
ラブレターも送った 500通ぐらい
ムシャクシャしてやった 反省してます もうやりませんから
突然の電話 パパからの着信 怒られると思った けれど違った
嘘だ   うそだ   ウソダ
現代の医学では治すことはできない残された3ヶ月、悔いを残すな と… 
するともうしゃべれないはずのママがいった ポツリと「しあわせ」と
それから程なくママは煙になってしまった 大勢の人に見守ってもらいながら
私は産んでもらった恩も返せず ただ泣いていただけ
人生ポジティブに考えて生きてみようよ 悲しいことだって笑い飛ばせるように
最期の3ヶ月はお別れのため 神様がくれたの
lalalala ポジポジポジポジPo♪

Posi Posi

Let's try living positively, so we can laugh off the sad things
Let's face forward and shout out loud, "Positive Thinking!"
(PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi Posi Posi♪
PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi Posi Posi♪ Posi Posi♪)
I stepped on dog poop! Let's think positively
If it had been a land mine I'd be dead!
I missed the PreCure episode! Let's think positively
It felt nice to sleep until noon instead!
(PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi Posi Posi♪
PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi Posi Posi♪ Posi Posi♪)
It's Monday! Let's think positively
I can read the weekly Jump and Young Magazines!
I forgot my lunch! Let's think positively
Not eating is just a diet! Slim beauty!
I tried living life thinking negatively, and nothing fun ever happened
Let's spend our days in way we can call "happy". Positive thinking!
(PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi Posi Posi♪
PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi PoPiLoPiPoPiLoPoPi Posi Posi♪ Posi Posi♪)
I was rejected by my crush... Let's think positively
They were just being shy, those weren't their honest feelings!
Because you always feel shy, I put a camera in the room
And sent you love letters. About 500 of them
I was caught by the police and they're giving me an earful. "Don't make your parents cry!" and all that
I was just upset. I'm sorry. I won't do it again
A sudden phone call. It's from my dad. I thought he'd be mad. But I was wrong
"Your mother collapsed and is in critical condition, come quick"
No way.... No way.... No way...
The doctor said
We were out of the woods, but at this rate Mom only has three months left
Modern medicine can't do any more for her. Spend these last 3 months without regrets, he said...
Next to my mother, who was unable to speak, all I could do was sing
When I did, my mother miraculously spoke one word, "Happy"
Soon after that my mom was gone, while being looked after by so many people
I couldn't even repay the gift of life she gave me. I could only cry
Let's try living positively, so we can laugh off the sad things
Those last three months were a gift from God. That we could say goodbye
So I won't cry
Positive Thinking!
Positive Thinking!
lalalala Posi Posi Posi Posi Po-
Jelly CatJelly Cat    Vie, 19/08/2016 - 08:02

Thanks for both translating and spotting some mistake on the title. Guess I should fix it for what it is.

   Vie, 19/08/2016 - 16:02

You're welcome! And no, it's ok! I don't think "Poji Poji" was a mistake. It makes sense as the Japanese title. I was explaining why I'd changed it in the English.
Poji Poji (ポジポジ) is fine in japanese because it's Pojitibu (ポジチブ). ポジ=Poji
But in english Poji isn't ok because we say Positive. Not Pojitibu. So Posi is better as a short version.

That's all. I think you can keep the Japanese title as "Poji Poji"

Jelly CatJelly Cat    Sáb, 20/08/2016 - 03:06

Strictly speaking, Poji Poji doesn't make sense because it isn't an actual word but the one created by the songwriter, Yoshiya P. Probably he meant it to be short for Positive as you explained, I guess.