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  • Nicolae Guta

    Pustoaico cu par roscat → traducción al Inglés

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Pustoaico cu par roscat

Pustoaico cu par roscat
in grea boala mai bagat
Am uitat si de nevasta
Stau mereu plecat de acasa (x2)
Susanu, din nou......
Mai pustoaico rau mai zapacit
Vad ca ai reusit, m-am indragostit
Ai grija pustoaico cand spun nu te juca
Doar stii ca sunt insurat poate ma dai de belea
Ca bate la ochii sa stii
Si orice ar fi nevasta n-o voi parasi
Si de nu vrei n-ai incotro
Imi iau alte femei mai pustoaico
Zi-le, Guță!
Ce bine arata fata
Ma face sa-mi las nevasta
Nu stiu daca fac cei bine
Pentru ea si pentru mine (x2)
Una, doua, trei
Hei hei hei.......
Spune vorbe de iubire
Zi ca ea si fa ca mine
Imi este drag si de ea
Dar nu pot sa-mi las casa (x2)
Vad eu cum fac si sa le impac
Ca eu sunt drac fratioare si tac
Nu ma dau de gol chiar asa usor
N-am sa ajung la mana lor chiar de ele asta vor
Ca ma stiu ca sunt nenorocit, smecherit
Ca sunt iubit si ca tot timpul eu le mint
Asta sunt eu asa patesc
De gate ori ma indragostesc
Zi-le, Guță!
Ce bine arata fata
Ma face sa-mi las nevasta
Nu stiu daca fac cei bine
Pentru ea si pentru mine (x2)
Una, doua, trei
Hei hei hei...
Hei hei hei...
Zi-le, Guță!
Ce bine arata fata
Ma face sa-mi las nevasta
Nu stiu daca fac cei bine
Pentru ea si pentru mine (x2)

Reddish hair girl

Reddish hair girl,
You got me in troubles,
I”ve forgot about my wife,
I”m always leaving my home. (x2)
Șușanu, again!
Girl, you drive me crazy,
I see you did it, I felt in love,
Take care, girl, when I tell you do not play (with me),
You know I am married, you could make me troubles,
Cause it”s obvious, you know!
And no matter what, I won”t leave my wife,
And if you don”t want, you have no choice,
I”ll have other women, girl!
Tell them, Guță!
How nice this girl looks!
She makes me leave my wife,
I don”t know if it”s ok what she”s doing
For her and for me. (x2)
One, two, three,
Hey, hey, hey!
She tells words of love,
I say as she says, I do my way,
She”s dear to me,
But I can”t leave my marriage. (x2)
I”ll see what I”ll do to reconcile both,
Cause I”m a devil, my brother, and I shut up,
I won”t spill the beans that easy,
I won”t be in their hands, even though they want that,
Cause they know that I”m wretched, wicked,
That I am loved and I lie to them all the time,
That”s how I am, that”s what happens to me,
Everytime I fall in love.
Tell them, Guță!
How nice this girl looks!
She makes me leave my wife,
I don”t know if it”s ok what she”s doing
For her and for me. (x2)
One, two, three,
Hey, hey, hey!
hey, hey, hey!
Tell them, Guță!
How nice this girl looks!
She makes me leave my wife,
I don”t know if it”s ok what she”s doing
For her and for me. (x2)
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