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  • Gülyaru

    Ala Shepke → traducción al Inglés

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Ala Shepke

Bashta qilghan wedengdin
Emdilikte yandingmu
Bashta arzulap méni
Emdilikte tandingmu
Meyli ketseng kétiwer
Meyli tansang téniwer
Meyli qachsang qéchiwer
Renjimeymen seningdin
Meyli ketseng kétiwer
Ah deymen, Xuda deymen
Ayrilghangha ölmeymen
Xudayim shundaq buyruptu
Buni sendin körmeymen
Ala shepke kiyiwapla
Apiche bolay demla
Yürekke otni sélip qoyup
Tashyolche/chongyolche qachay demla
Meyli ketseng kétiwer
Meyli tansang téniwer
Meyli qachsang qéchiwer
Renjimeymen seningdin
Meyli ketseng kétiwer
Ah deymen, Xuda deymen
Ayrilghangha ölmeymen
Xudayim shundaq buyruptu
Buni sendin körmeymen
Ah deymen, Xuda deymen
Bérip chöllerde yighlaymen
Xudayim shundaq buyruptu
Buni sendin körmeymen

Multicolored Hat

From your promise that gave me in the beginning
Are you breaking it now?
At first you desired me
And now you gave up?
Well, if you will go then go
Well, if you will give up then give up
Well, if you will run then run
I won't be mad at you
Well, if you will go then go
I say "Ah", I say "God"
(But) I won't die cause I broke up
My God ordered this
(So) I don't think that it was you
Do you want me to only wear a multicolored hat
And be like a mother?
Do you want me to emblaze the heart
(And) running away like Stone-road/long-road?
Well, if you will go then go
Well, if you will give up then give up
Well, if you will run then run
I won't be mad at you
Well, if you will go then go
I say "Ah", I say "God"
(But) I won't die cause I broke up
My God ordered this
(So) I don't think that it was you
I say "Ah", I say "God"
(But) I won't die cause I broke up
My God ordered this
(So) I don't think that it was you
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