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  • Federico Mompou

    Ara no sé si et veig encar → traducción al Inglés

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Letra original
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Ara no sé si et veig encar

Ara no sé si et veig, encar.
Els ulls et miren, i voldria
que aixó fos veure’t. Si sabia
que et veig i et sé, com fóra avar
de poder dir que cap mirall
del món, ni l’aigua més serena
no et saben dir; que sols alena
un pit que estimi el que el cristall
no veu ni diu! Si fos així!
Que tu només fossis en mi!
Lluny dels meus ulls, tan limitada,
tan reduïda a gest, a esguard,
a imatge, a veu, que jo fos part
de tu, vivent per ma mirada.

Now I don´t know if I see you, Encar

Now I don´t know if I see you, Encar.
The eyes look at you, and I wish
that this would be like seeing you. If I knew
that they see you and know you, like if I was greedy,
of being able to say that no mirror
in the world, not even the stillest water
know how to tell you, that you are but a breath,
a bosom that I hold dear, and that the glass
cannot see or tell! If it was like this!
If you could only be inside me,
moon of my eyes, so limited,
so reduced to gesture, a glance,
an image, a voice, that i´d be a part
of you, alive by your gaze alone.
Fool EmeritusFool Emeritus
   Mar, 04/08/2015 - 19:52

I´ve ventures a translation, but please list the language correctly. This is Catalan.

miciofilippomiciofilippo    Mar, 04/08/2015 - 23:05

Thank you very much, Mario, for the translation. I know that the language is Catalan, I posted the request in a harry and I made a mistake choosing the wrong language.
The original text is quite cryptic, so I can't say if your translation is correct.
I hope yes.
Thanks again!