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  • Djena

    Шепа пепел → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
Revisión solicitada
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas

Шепа пепел

Как изгарях по тебе, знаеш ли?
Всичко правех, както искаш ти.
Тази вечер моите сълзи са твои гости.
Тайно поплачи!
Не се обръщай и скрий очите си
да не видиш какво ми причини!
Шепа пепел е моето сърце.
Ти всичко друго вече ми отне.
Нека вятъра разнася вечно пепелта!
Само тя е знак,че имах обич някога.
Болката в мен остана. Нелечима е.
А шепа пепел разпиляна кой ще събере?
Там, където огън не гори,
пълен мрак е и от студ боли.
Остави ме в тъмното сама,
за да изстрадам теб и любовта!
Не се обръщай и скрий очите си
да не видиш какво ми причини!
Шепа пепел е моето сърце.
Ти всичко друго вече ми отне.
Нека вятъра разнася вечно пепелта!
Само тя е знак,че имах обич някога.
Болката в мен остана. Нелечима е.
А шепа пепел разпиляна кой ще събере?

A handful of ash

How I was burning for you! Do you know?
I was doing everything the way you wanted
This night my tears are your guests
Cry secretly
Don't turn back and hide your eyes not to see what you have done to me
My heart is a handful of ash
You already took everything else from me
Let the wind eternally scatter the ash
Only it is a sign that once I had love
The pain remained in me
It can't be cured
But who will gather a scattered handful of ash?
There, where fire doesn't burn, darkness is total and cold hurts
Leave me alone in the darkness to suffer through you and the love
Don't turn back and hide your eyes not to see what you have done to me
My heart is a handful of ash
You already took everything else from me
Let the wind eternally scatter the ash
Only it is a sign that once I had love
The pain remained in me
It can't be cured
But who will gather a scattered handful of ash?
El/la autor/a de esta traducción ha solicitado una revisión.
Esto significa que le alegrará recibir correcciones, sugerencias, etc. sobre la traducción.
Si te manejas bien en ambos idiomas, te invitamos a que dejes tus comentarios.
Ivan U7nIvan U7n    Mar, 12/09/2017 - 17:39

I was doing everything as you want → I was doing everything the way you wanted (Sequence of Tenses, although I’m not sure it applies here, but your variant sounds strange to me)
Don't turn back and hide your eyes so you don't see what you have done to me → Don’t turn back and hide your eyes not to see what you have done to me (just a little tweak)
A handful of ash is my heart → My heart is a handful of ash (at least it seems more logical)
You took everything else which is mine → You already took everything else from me (simpler and avoids possible Sequence of Tenses)
Let's the wind scatters eternally the ash → Let the wind eternally scatter the ash (“let’s” is “let us” and it’s an imperative thus no -s for verbs)
Only it is a sign that I have a love once → Only it is a sign that once I had love (a past tense in the original and an uncountable “love”)
There, where doesn't burn fire, is absolute darkness and it hurts from cold → There, where fire doesn't burn, darkness is total and cold hurts (again just a little tweak)
Leave me alone in the darkness so I can overcome you and the love → Leave me alone in the darkness to suffer through you and the love (it is a tricky one as I’m not sure I got the original’s meaning right)