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  • Sean Dunphy

    If I could choose

Tamaño de fuente
Letra original

Letra de If I could choose

They envy me, my hills of Clare
The white gulls calling in the soft sea air
So much to lose
And yet I'd leave the hills of Clare
And live in a desert if I had you there
What would I lose if I could choose?
If I could choose a place to walk with you
I'd choose the longest road
And it would lead us to a house that no one knew
Bellows by the fire, and the turf smoke rising higher
Than the lark that wings and always sings of you
If I could choose a time to talk with you
I'd choose the longest day
And over all the hills of Clare, I'd shout the news
I would tell them how a day could last forever
And I'd never leave your side if I could choose
If I could choose a time to talk with you
I'd choose the longest day
And over all the hills of Clare, I'd shout the news
I would tell them how a day could last forever
And I'd never leave your side if I could choose


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