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  • Adriana Maciel

    Silencio → traducción al Inglés

  • 2 traducciones
    Inglés #1, #2
Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas


Que pena ser alguém
que não quer mais
que não enxerga
um palmo a frente do nariz
cantar prá quem não ouve nada,
dançar prá quem não quer ver nada
minhas mãos atadas,
minha boca só,
meus pés agarrados,
na garganta um nó,
cantar prá quem não ouve nada,
dançar prá quem não quer ver nada
O silêncio pousa na janela
vem tomar café
na espera agente olha a tela
em branco


Too bad to be someone
who does not want anything more
who does not see
a foot ahead of the nose
singing for who hears nothing,
dancing for who does not want to see anything
My hands are tied,
my mouth is lonely,
my feet stuck,
in the throat a knot, (a knot in the throat)
singing for who hears nothing,
dancing for who does not want to see anything
Silence sits in the window
Come to drink a coffee
While waiting, we look at the blank screen
Adriana Maciel: 3 más populares
electrosyselectrosys    Vie, 01/06/2012 - 22:45

Yes - very helpful - I think we are beginning to get close to a good translation.

I have found this exercise very valuable in that I have developed a much higher regard for professional translators and the difficulties they must regularly experience in arriving at a close approximation to the original - but in another language - especially where metaphors may have been used and other forms of ambiguity.
I can see that translation is not simply swapping one set of words for another !

Many thanks.