Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas

Te Fiti [Know Who You Are]

[Moana Waialiki]
Vahe ā moana! Ka 'a'eva
[Mo e loto maa'imoa]
Te Fiti ē
[Manatu atu]
Ho huafa, 'io kuou manatu
[Hoku pele 'eni]
Teu toe atu koe
[Manatu atu]
Manatu atu koe
Ka'ilo koe kita.

Te Fiti

[Moana Waialiki]
Ocean, separate your waters! Let her walk [to me]
[With the cheerful soul]
Oh, Te Fiti
[Try to remember]
Yes, I remember your sacred name
[My precious here]
I will restore you
[Try to remember]
Try to remember who you are
You know yourself.
BalkanTranslate1BalkanTranslate1    Lun, 02/01/2017 - 13:03

Really beautiful poem! So I translated it into 3 Balkan languages to make it more accessible! Keep your inspiring work! :)

   Mar, 03/01/2017 - 23:57

Thank you :) Wow, thanks again for translating it into those beautiful languages! hvala puno!