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  • Ww Ww

    On Halloween

Tamaño de fuente

Letra de On Halloween

The howlet calls with broken wing
Summoning the beginning of the spell
The wild wenches dance and sing
Few see and none can tell
About the headstones they go
Cadaversers keeping time
The moon is full, the clouds low
An aire of tainted thyme
The ghastly corpses in a row
Grimacing and a' staring
Molden from head to toe
The shrouds they are a' wearing
Perchance comes a lost soul
Down this evil trail
Another for the fiery hole
A witch awakes a wail
This mortal bound in fear
Stiff in his frozen tracks
At Hecate's lofty leer
The bodies that breath lacks
Turn around and run away
Flee as fast as you can
They cut his head and left it lay
The rest in the cauldron and,
Conjured up a devish spell
While lightening lit the fires
So he went straight to hell
To the torment it acquires
Bear an ear to this tale
The warning you have read
Listen for the omen rale
Lest you lose your head


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