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Zamba of the Singer in Love

The old Cosquin river
Was the calm witness of a disillusion
That a singing guitarman
Suffered in the sand
When the sun setted.
The countrymen of there tell
That in a dawn his song was heard
It was a love cry
That sprouted from his chest
And it remained in the hills.
I want to see you again
in a January evening;
If you return you'll find me
at the Cosquin shore
with my singuing guitar;
And in my lips you'll feel
That is still lasting the love
That you left when you left.
Love has those things,
It even aches to think about them
When you start to like it
Like spring water
It starts to get away alone.
Sometime passing by
The old river in a starry night,
You might listen
The coplas that from the singer
Were born from a pain.
Letra original

Zamba del cantor enamorado

Letras de canciones (Español)

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