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Fallen Angel

That I don't deserve you
I have known it always
That you left without realizing
It's not easy to believe
That you will never find
Another person like me
And all these things that you say
When there isn't value
Everything that ended
Begins again in another part
Maybe today I am born an angel
For the one that died yesterday
The sorrow doesn't bring back
What time has destroyed
I'm running and let me cry
Without thinking I will open my wings
I will walk on the ground
Walk through this world without color
The angel has died
You have taken her from your bed
Don't punish yourself
Don't blame yourself, there is no resentment
I am only another fallen angel, love
They are fallen angels
That die for the mouth
Any broken doll
Lost in a bar
And she has so much love
That stole so many dreams from you
The kept you from forgetting
Everything that once was
Without thinking I will open my wings
I will walk on the ground
Walk through this world without color
The angel has died
You have taken her from your bed
Don't punish yourself
Don't blame yourself, there is no resentment
I am only another fallen angel, love
The angel has died
You have taken her from your bed
Don't punish yourself
Don't blame yourself, there is no resentment
I am only another fallen angel, love
I am only another fallen angel, love
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Ángel caído

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