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  • Michalis Hatzigiannis

    Κράτα με εδώ → traduction en anglais

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Hold me here

This wave the aqua i give it to you
On your fingers sand golden and i turn
summer breeze on your hair
form a look i get in your hug
Hold me here
and let me see
how my hands turn on your stars one by one
Hold me here
give me to see
how two bodies together remind paradise
Whatever music plays I remember you
I miss you even when you're there that Im sleeping
I dont have a reason- another reason to whistle
Around your earh my moon i rotate
Hold me here
and let me see
how my hands turn on your stars one by one
Hold me here
give me to see
how two bodies together remind paradise [x2]
Hold me here
Hold me here
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Κράτα με εδώ

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