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  • SKAI

    Любов → traduction en anglais

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Tender sweetish haze,
Headlight, wet asphalt.
I hope you’re still waiting for me,
I hope you haven’t forgotten me.
Through the purple smoke,
Throughout the stardust.
Everything is real, when we are together,
Everything is so easy, when... when...
...this is love!..
Everything I’d thought and known is erased.
Everything I’d longed for and aimed at...
Just one sound, escaped your lips,
Just one kiss and I... I'm giving up!
Meanwhile, you walk the street
Without noticing *taking no notice of* the cars,
Without noticing the hours,
The world seems to you so small!
This is love!
Crazy storm
Of loose *empty* prohibitions.
Happiness favours those
Who have experienced love!..
Paroles originales


Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (ukrainien)
