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  • Majida El Roumi

    مفترق الطرق → traduction en anglais

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مفترق الطرق

ساعات أقوم الصبح
قلبي حزين
أطل برا الباب
ياخذني الحنين
اللي إشتريته إنباع
واللي لقيته ضاع
واللي قابلتو راح
وفات الأنين
وأرجع واقول
لسه الطيور بتفن
والنحليات بتطن
والطفل ضحكه يرن
مع إن مش كل البشر فرحانين
حبيبي سكر مر
طعم الهوى
فرق ما بين قلبين
ما عدناش سوى
حرام عليك يا عذاب
نبقى كده أغراب
دا البعد جرح من غير دوا
أدي اللي كان
وأدي القدر
وأدي المصير
نودع الماضي
وحلمه الكبير
نودع الأفراح
نودع الأشباح
راح إللي راح
ومعادش فاضل كتير
إيه العمل دي الوقت يا صديق؟
غير إننا عند إفتراق الطريق
نبص قدمنا، ع شمس أحلامنا
نلقاها بتشق السحاب الغميق

Cross Roads

Sometimes, I wake up in mornings and my heart is sad
I open my door and nostalgia carries me away
What I have bought is sold and what I have found is lost
And whom I have met is gone… and moaning is over
And I still say: the birds still tender,
the bees still buzz and the baby still laughs
Although not all people are happy
Dear, the taste of love is bitter and sweet
Now we are separated and we are no longer together
O agony, it is not fair we stay stranger like this
Remoteness is like a wound without a cure
And I still say: the birds still tender,
the bees still buzz and the baby still laughs
Although not all people are happy
That is what has happened and it is fate and destiny
Say farewell to the past and its big dream
Say farewell to the feasts… and to grieves
What is gone is gone and what is left is few
What can we do now dear friend,
As we are at a crossroad?
Other than looking forward towards the sun of our dreams
As it tears the thick clouds
And I still say: the birds still tender,
the bees still buzz and the baby still laughs
Although not all people are happy
VelsketVelsket    Sam, 21/07/2018 - 00:58

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.