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  • Weng Suying

    人在旅途 → traduction en anglais

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从来不怨命运之错 不怕旅途多坎坷
向着那梦中的地方去 错了我也不悔过
人生本来苦恼已多 再多一次又如何
若没有分别痛苦时刻 你就不会珍惜我
千山万水脚下过 一缕情丝挣不脱
纵然此时候情如火 心理话儿向谁说
我不怕旅途孤单寂寞 只要你也想念我
我不怕旅途孤单寂寞 只要你也想念我

On My Journey of Life

I never complain about the mistake of my destiny, no matter how difficult will be my journey,
Going towards the place of my dream, I won't regret even if I'm wrong,
We have had so many sufferings in our life, I wouldn't mind if you add one more,
If the time of separation hadn't come, you would not cherish me,
I've walked a long long way, but failed to get rid of my hurt,
Even if I'm filled with passion in my mind, there's no one that I can talk to,
I'm not afraid of loneliness along my journey, as long as you miss me too.
I'm not afraid of loneliness along my journey, as long as you miss me too.