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  • Amel Bent

    À 20 ans → traduction en anglais

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At 20 years old

I'm 20 years old
I have the life that everyone dreams of, under the fire of headlights,
always a smile on my lips
I'm 20 years old,
In a world where love dies,
I cling to my values without ever asking for a truce
I will always be 20 years old
In the eyes of my mother, my mother
Each one of her tears pushes me to make her proud, my mother
I'm 20 years old, and I have the life that everyone talks about, little woman I became a rapper my passion, my 20 years, I have experienced them in the shadow with only one desire, love and then to devour the world, but I'll never be 20 years old in the eyes of my father, my father, each one of his absences pushes me to make her proud, my mother
I'm 20 years old,
They say I have my life ahead of me
That happiness is over there
That with time everything will go its way
I'm 20 years old
They say: you'll grow and you'll see
I say to you that nothing goes its way, with time everything will go wrong
At 20 years old,
You start to love men,
Until the day that they rob you of your 20 years
Despite the time that knocks you
You give and you give your 20 years
To life and to death
If that can prove that they are wrong
That they're wrong in thinking that at 20 years old
All the young people still dream
At 20 years old, you start to love life, it's the free age,
you have vices, the risks you dodge, you're 20 years old and you have the strength of winners and then nothing scares you because we have already broken your heart, you're in your twenties and you're lost on the planet, you dream of Adam and Eve not just of rhinestones and sequins, you're 20 years old you're fragile but you are the future of this country, you know that your life is that of Amel and Melanie
Just yesterday, I was 20 years old,
Just yesterday, I wanted to shake people up, make them notice my time
Just yesterday, I was 20 years old,
Just yesterday, I wanted to shake people up, make them notice my time
Paroles originales

À 20 ans

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « À 20 ans »
   Ven, 08/11/2013 - 23:59

I corrected the original lyrics, so could you check your translation.