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  • Giorgos Mazonakis

    Έρωτά μου → traduction en anglais

  • 2 traductions
    anglais #1, #2
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My love

My lover
Κοντεύουν ξημερώματα _ The daybreak is coming
And the sleep doesn’t catch me
The colours of night change
And the names of passion
My God, it will drive me crazy
Έρωτά μου, πες μου κάτι, My lover, tell me something
I can’t close the eye( Ok, I know exactly what it means but there is no English correspondent for the expression)
καίγομαι και ξενυχτώ. I burn and I stay up all night long! (HA! I AM learning!!!)
Έρωτά μου, πες μου κάτι, My lover, tell me something
δεν μπορώ να κλείσω μάτι, I can’t close the eye
πάω να τρελαθώ. – I’m going crazy
Σου στέλνω τόσα σήματα,I send you so many signals
δεν ξέρω τι συμβαίνει. I don’t know what happens
Thousands of shapes around
The thrills of passion
Which kills me
Paroles originales

Έρωτά μου

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