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  • Carmen Consoli

    L'ultimo bacio → traduction en anglais

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The last kiss

you seek shelter brotherly solace
(you) stretch the hands to the mirror
you move with difficulty and with a austere look
you slur a malinconic Modugno(he is a singer)
of those violins played from the wind
the last kiss my sweet little girl
burnes on the face like drops of lemon
the heroic courage of a atrocious adio
but they are tears while it rains
it rains
while it rains
while it rains
magic quiteness hidden indulgence
after the ungrateful storm
resume your breath and with heavy/intense transport
celebrate a mild/quiet and unusual wakening
thousand violins played from the wind
the last hug my beloved little girl
in the feeble memory of a silver rain
the ruthless sense of a non coming back
of those violins played from the wind
the last kiss my sweet little girl
burnes on the face like drops of lemon
the heroic courage of a atrocious adio
but they are tears while it rains
it rains
while it rains
while it rains
Paroles originales

L'ultimo bacio

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (italien)

Carmen Consoli: Top 3