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  • Hani Shaker

    محتاجلك يا عمري → traduction en anglais

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i need u, my life, to feel safe
i need u, my life, that will come and which has gone
i need u, u r the sun of light and warmness
i need u in the world of fear and roughness
i need u in the darkness of the drowned night
i need u, u r the medicine and u r the doctor
i need u to make the universe brightness and light
to plant for u a day and to cross for u seas
i need u, u r the most beautiful one in all people and human kind
i need u, u r the most beautiful star and the most beautiful moon
i need u, u r a bird that is flying freely in the sky
i need u to come to me immediately, to relax for a day
i need u to fill my life with necklaces of jasmine and roses
i need u to fill it with unlimited happiness
i need u to be in my life, to be the spring
to fill me with love, sympathy and passion that would be enough for all
Paroles originales

محتاجلك يا عمري

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (arabe)

VelsketVelsket    Lun, 18/06/2018 - 14:09

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.