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Renkli Rüyalar Oteli

I said "You drive the car,I'm drunk"
You said "leave it,let's pass strips,step on the gas!
This hotel is nice.I like its name
there touch my parts of body which noone has ever touched"
I wish we became drunk,forgot who we are,became a cloud each other's inside
poured out from glass
I wish we became just one body
with taking excessive dose of love
I wish we died here happily
Thinking about it now,it was years ago and it was also excellent
"You're mine" I said "I'm yours too"
In the "colourful dreams hotel"
I knocked the doors
For non-answer throwning into the air(I dont understand here )
For the people whose hearts never beat
"But u're different" I said.U said;
"Be careful!I'm faithful just for MYSELF!"
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Renkli Rüyalar Oteli

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