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Do me a right thing

tonight,hours are flying fast on the wings of a dream
she,shy,doesn't give her body to my hot lips
her little tenant's in the bottom of suburb
o,how she kisses me,like she's giving a birth
Some dear pictures are beginning the dance again
A song is on my lips,an earthquake in my heart
Oh come on woman,I'm here by coincidence
little because of men's vanity,little because of monotony
Do me a right thing,play something old (song)
that reminds me of her,to feel better
do me a right thing,play something old (song)
that reminds me of her,to fell better
tonight,hours are flying fast on the wings of a dream
she,shy,doesn't give her body to my hot lips
her little tenant's in the bottom of suburb
o,how she kisses me,like she's giving a birth
Do me a right thing,play something old (song)
that reminds me of her,to feel better
Do me a right thing,play something old (song)
that reminds me of her,to feel better
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