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  • Kenan Doğulu

    Yüzsüz yürek → traduction en anglais

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Yüzsüz yürek

i've stayed back by myself ruined
my mind came to itself swear off for once again
the matter who made me most sad was that became in bad odour with you
believe (me) to be vile to you made me come to an end
you made me so sad when you connivanced me
i felt myself as a strange man
as if it wasnt me that cried with you
the one that made love and became full of love with you
sometimes the devil says go and sidle up to her
tell her what goes around in yourself
hold her from her heart tightly and flow into her life
but where is a bare faced heart on me
if we do have smth we have a west of pride
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Yüzsüz yürek

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