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  • J Balvin

    Acércate → traduction en anglais

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At the front of the bar I was
She danced as she was looking @ me
Her only mission was my attention
Now that you get her
I'll ask you
What's that you want from me
Do what you want to me
Cox I'm tired of not having your lips close
What's that you want from me
Do whatever you want to me
Coz I'm tired of not having your lips close
If you want I'll take to the next level of enjoying
We can hang out without limits
Balvin Hansel
Raise the bottles of Don pre and moet
Com'n shake the ground women
Come near me come near me
Let's break the rules
Dance me so so so sky set It slow
What's that you want from me
Do what you want to me
Coz I'm tired of not having your lips close
You and your tricks
Feeling the power
You always win, knowing how good she Is
And I found out that tonight she would fall
Coz I know that when she sees me
She'll come near me near me near me
Let's break the rules
Dance me like this like this like this sky set It slow
J balvin men
Yandel the legend
Sky falling
Bull nene
Infinity music
Let's go
Paroles originales


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