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  • Uddi

    Adam şi Eva → traduction en anglais

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Adam and Eve

I’d like to be like you
Indifferent, it’s the best
You don’t care about anything
You don’t have time to love
What can I do, what can I say
And shamelessly you show your face
No matter how Titanic I am, you are ice cold
At least one tear
A bit of passion
But no, no, you not
I turn the other cheek too when you hit me
Too much violence here, in heaven
About love, I think they loved each other
Adam and Eve didn’t argue too much
What’s the beauty of your life
You throw the feelings out the window
Did it hurt when you lost your soul
But you didn’t have it from the beginning
And if you leave, take the bed too
You shared it with the other guy anyway
Take the pillows too, with the memories
But leave the regrets on the table
I turn the other cheek too when you hit me
Too much violence here, in heaven
About love, I think they loved each other
Adam and Eve didn’t argue too much
When you lost me, I know, you were on Instagram
My new enemy was using cold pickup lines
Instead of being here, you were always out with him
For what you did, you deserve the capital punishment
Anyway, I was fed up with so much drama
When you had me paying customs for your soul
Goodbye, I want you to know, I felt more alone with you
Than I did when I was by myself
Paroles originales

Adam şi Eva

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Adam şi Eva »